JAC - Joint Action Committee
Joint Forum of BSNL AEA
United Forum of BSNL Executives
Forum in Defence of CPSUs
Business ↣ Project Udaan - Consumer Fixed Access ↣ Broad Band ↣ Tariff
Withdrawal of some ADSL postpaid BB Plans for New customers reg 19-02-13
Withdrawal of PAN India DSL Broadband plan 30GB CUL and Bharat Fiber Broadband plan 0GB’ for new customers in MH circle reg 24-07-19
Withdrawal of Limited - Unlimited PAN India Broadband plans in all the Telecom Circles - reg 13-09-17
Withdrawal of landline Tariff plan UL 395 UL 495 and One India plan reg 03-04-17
Withdrawal of Flexi General Combo Broadband plans 500 750 1000 1250 1500 in all circles - 23--08-17
Withdrawal of Circle specific Broadband plans ‘BG ULD 545 & BBG Rural Combo ULD 650 in Kerala Circle 23-08-17
Withdrawal of Circle Specific Tariff Plans BBG SS Combo plans and FC ULD plan in Haryana Circle 03-10-17
Withdrawal of Circle Specific LL DSL FTTH BB plans and FTTH Voice plan in Selected SSAs in GJ circle 03-10-17
Withdrawal of Circle Specific Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 3999 and 6999 in Odisha Circle reg 11-10-18
Withdrawal of Circle Specific Broadband plan BBG 390 in Karnataka Telecom Circle - reg 31-10-17
Withdrawal of Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 1000 1550 1845 and revision of plans in Odisha circle reg 16-04-18
Withdrawal of Broadband Plan BBG ULD 545 applicable to Kalyan SSA of MH Circle-reg 11-10-17
With drawal of Chennai Specific BB plans and launch of PAN india plans in CHTD 20-03-13
Waiving Installatin charges for LL and BB reg - MP Circle 18-09-15
Waiver of monthly ONT rental charges for annual FTTH BB plans in Sangareddy AP circle 07-01-16
Waiver of Installation charges for new LL BB and Combo in TN Circle 18-11-15
Waiver of installation charges under ADSL BB services for prospective customers - 27-02-13
Waiver of Installation charges for new LL BB and Combo in CHTD 18-11-15
Waiver of Installation charges for CLSNP LL and BB connection in Rajasthan Circle 03-12-15
Waiver of Installation charges for CLNSP LL BB in Gujarat Circle 18-11-15
Waiver of BB installation charges for 60 days - 04-07-11
Waival off 100 perc installation charges for new LL BB Combo CLSNPand & FTTH customers in Gujarat circle reg 07-03-17
Waival off 100 perc installation charges for new LL BB Combo CLSNP customers in AP and telengana up to 31-03-2017 reg
Waival of monthly rental charges for the ADSL WiFi Modem in Ghaziabad and Noida SSAs of UP West 16-04-18
Waival of installation charges for new LL and BB annual payment options on promotional basis up to 31-03-2014 reg 08-01-2014
Waival of Installation charges for new LL-DS-FTTH connections -Voice- Broadband-combo in all circles 02-01-19
Waival of installation charges for new BB reg HP circle 11-03-15
Waival of installation charges for new LL LL BB and FTTH BB - already discinnected i KTK circle 07-01-16
Waival of Installation charges for new LL - DSL - FTTH connections (voice-BB-Combo) reg 24-07-18
Waival of installation charges for closed LL and BB reg Kolkata TD 11-03-15
Waival of Installation charges for CLSNP cases in haryana Circle reg 19-01-16
Waival of 50 per Installation charges for new LL and BB connections up to 31-03-2015 reg -09-02-2015
VVoBB with free IC to all BB ADSL Sub in Gujatat for 90 days 27-12-11
VVoBB Promotional schene North and West zones 20-11-12
VVoBB service launching for PCOs 14-08-12
VVoBB promotional scheme in Gujarat 17-11-11
VVoBB promotional offer North and West zone 30-04-12
VPnoBB - Gujarat Circle Extension 16-03-12
Volume based Prepaid BBV RL 350 extension of validity 31-12-12
Volume based BB on DSL - Revised 01-11-11
Voice and Video over BB - Norh and West Zones - Tariff 17-02-12
Voice and Video over BB - Norh and West Zones - Promotional scheme 17-02-12
Voice and Video over BB - Norh and West Zones - Counrty Tariff 17-02-12
Upgradation of some BBG ADSL plans in Hydrabad telephone District reg 01-04-13
Upgradation of Bandwidth-UL CSC plans 12-08-11
USOF subsidy for Prepaid BB 13-03-12
Upgradation of Bandwidth of certail UL BB plans in AP Circle 13-01-2014
Upgradation of Bandwidth and enhancement of FMC of UL FUP BB reg 08-05-14
Up-gradation of bandwidth in existing Broadband plans BBG ULD 545 675 and BBG Ruralcombo ULD 650 reg 29-09-16
Unlimited free download offer 01-07-10
UL free down load for new BB reg 03-02-11
UL BB to MPs 03-11-10
UL BB plans for ADSL VDSL in Hydrabad -16-08-12
UL BB combo plan above 500 - Free calls regularisation 24-02-12
UL 750 BW speed upgradation -30-01-12
Type 1 modem repl by Type2 - Clarification 02-07-10
To upgrade the bandwidth download speed under Broadband plans BBG ULD
To offer two years and three years payment options under promotional BB plans for Vadodara SSA - Gujarat Circle 08-06-14
To upgrade the bandwidth download speed under Broadband plans BBG ULD Plans in KTK Circle reg 31-07-17
To offer Non-WiFi FTTH ONT Free of Cost to the new Broadband customers in all the Circles -reg 11-10-18
To introduce new BB Combo plans 50 GB and 120 GB for new customers in all the Circles except A&N reg 20-09-19
To offer recovered ADSL Modems to new customers for BB service at reduced monthly rental reg 25-06-21
Tarrif of Broadband Internet Service on FTTH 09-03-10
Tariiff revision - modem by sub 01-09-09
Tariff-volume based BB 22-06-10
Tariff plans for Common service centres 29-07-11
Tariff for Swipe Machine-regarding 07-03-17
Tariff for add on Limited FMT Services on PAN India basis-Reg 18-09-17
Tariff for add on Limited FMT Services on PAN India basis-Reg 09-11-17
Tariff for Limited FMT service for BB only and Internet leased line customers-regarding 07-03-17
Tariff for Limited FMT service for BB only and Internet leased line customers- COrrigenda 07-03-17
SW TOOL for best fit BB plan reg 08-03-11
Streamline of Safe Custody charges for the all category of Voice -standalone - Combo LL - LL AND BB AND FTTH reg 11-05-21
Static IP request reg 29-07-10
Static IP on request on low postpaid BB 29-03-11
Special tariff BB - Ms
Shifting of BB connections from ADSL+2 to NGN technology reg 08-05-14
Special discount BB 02-04-09
Self Expiry Pre Paid BB 20-11-09
Scheme for BB Volume based recharge 03-02-11
Sale of ADSL WiFi Modem at Rs 1500 with 100 percentage Cash back offer - Publicity reg 19-07-17
Roll out BB prepaid service 15-10-09
Safe custody Guide lines - 08-05-08
Rural BB Sub own CPE subsidy 23-02-12
Revision under limited Broadband plan BBG Combo 350 in A&N Telecom Circle -reg 07-11-17
Revision under existing Circle Specific Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD and withdrawal of BB FTTH plamns in Odisha circle - 03-08-18
Revision under FTTH BB plan Fibro Combo ULD 2499 in Karnataka Circle -reg 20-12-17
Revision under DSL Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD in CHTD reg 14-11-17
Revision under Circle specific broadband plans in Selected SSAs of AP and Telangana 29-06-17
Revision under Broadband plans FBBG Combo ULD plans for PSPCL’ in Punjab Circle reg 10-12-18
Revision of sale price of ADSL Wifi modem from Rs 2100 to Rs 1800 from 01-11-14 reg 13-10-14
Revision of Nomenclature of ADSL BB plans for which FMC revised - 27-02-13
Revision of Minimum hire Period’ under Election Special Broadband plan BBG ULD 1491 EA reg 17-06-16
Revision of Night usage charges BB plans reg 03-06-14
Revision of minimum fixed monthly charges (FMC) for opting Static IP on request reg 28-07-21
Revision of FMC under BB Home combo ULD 800 to Rs
Revision of FMC and anuual plans of UL ADSL Postpaid plans for existing and new customers from 01-03-2013
Revision of BB Home Combo ULD 800 plan in Chennai TD 22-08-14
Revised speed of Plan BBMP ULD 1500 for MPs reg 10-12-15
Revised application form for prepaid BB
Revised Fair usage policy on office service BB connections 27-01-15
Review of 5% discount scheme to Govt employees available under landline, ADSL BB & FTTH reg 15-01-21
Restoration of the PAN India BB plans 5GB 10GB 15GB 20GB plans and withdrawal of certain plans in MP circle 31-01-19
Review of discount scheme to Govt employees available under DSL and Wimax Broadband reg 30-09-13
Restoration of the PAN India BBG Combo ULD plans and withdrawal Circle Specific plans reg - KTK Circle 03-01-19
Reopening of BBG 499 and BBG 700 plan reg 10-09-13
Relaunch of UL BB plans in Surat SSAs in Gujarat circle reg 08-05-14
Relaunch of FTTH BB plans in 3 SSAs in AP circle reg 08-05-14
Relaunch of BBG ULD 1091 on promotional basis in CHTD reg 02-12-15
Relaunch of bundling of 3g data card at reduced rate to ADSL BB customers 28-02-13
Relaunch of BBG combo ULD 4245 in Japalpur and Gwalior SSAs of MP Circle 09-03-15
Relaunch of BBG Combo ULD 4245 in Bhopal Indore SSAs in MP circle reg 13-10-14
Relaunch of BBG Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 on regular basis reg 11-12-14
Relaunch of BB plans in all Circles reg 17-11-15
Relaunch of BB plans in BGTD of KTK circle reg 13-06-14
Relaunch of BB Combo ULD 695 - Kolkata TD reg 12-10-15
Regularization of BB plans in Kolkata reg 30-05-16
Relaunch of ADSL VDSL FTTH BB plans for Pune SSA 20-11-15
Regularization of BB plans BBG Combo ULD 1095 1295 1645 2095 2545 in Gujarat Circle 27-04-16
Regularization of BB plan BBG Speed Combo ULD 1091 in Karnataka Circle- reg 08-04-16
Regularization of annual BB plan BBG Combo ULD 8400 in Himatnagar SSA of Gujarat Circle reg 22-07-16
Regularization of BB plan BBG Combo ULD 645 in Pune SSA - MH Circle reg 12-07-16
Regularisation of BB plans BBG Combo ULD in Nellore SSA - AP circle 15-06-16
Refund of SD for VPNoBb - GUjarat and Rajasthan Circle reg 05-01-15
Reformulation of Postpaid BB tariff plans for existing and New customers reg 10-11-14
Reformulation of Existing ADSL postpaid BB plans -06-12-12
Re-launch of the promotional scheme in all the Circles to those customers who are migrating from any private Operator reg 29-09-16
Reformulation of Broadband plans across all the DSL - FTTH Broadband plans and withdrawal of BBG Combo ULD 1441 and 2841 reg 12-10-17
Reformulation of BB postpaid 17-01-11
Reformulation of 4 and 8 Mbps BB plan in all Circles reg 29-06-15
Re-launch of promotional scheme to offer ADSL WiFi Modem at reduced sale price-free of cost to the BB annual plan reg 29-09-16
Re-launch of promotional scheme for sale of ADSL WiFi Modem at Rs 1500 with 100 percent Cash back offer reg 29-09-16
Re-launch of FTTH plans in Selected SSAs of Punjab Circle 27-04-16
Re-launch of FTTH plan Fibro Combo ULD 1499 on regular basis in Odisha Telecom Circle 10-08-16
Re-launch of FTTH Fibro BBG ULD plans in seleceted SSAs of Punjb Circle reg 26-08-16
Re-launch of Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD plans on regular Basis in AP and Tlungana Circles reg 30-12-16
Re-launch of Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD in Faridabad SSA in Haryana Cicle 10-11-16
Re-launch of Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 749 on regular basis in Indore SSA of MP Circle 18-07-16
Re-launch of Broadband BBG ULD plans on regular basis in Kalyan SSA in MH circle reg 18-07-16
Re-launch of Broadband only DSL plan -without voice facility BBO ULD 611 in Hyderabad TD - 03-02-17
Re-launch of annual BB plan BBG Combo UL 5500 Promotional offer in Bhuj SSA 09-05-16
Re-launch of BB plans BBG Combo ULD plans anf FTTH Fibro combo plans on regular basis in Ghaziabad and NoidaSSA in UP W 30-12-16
Re-launch of BB plans BB ULD Combo - BBG Rural Combo ULD plans reg 17-05-16
Re-launch of annual BB plan BBG Combo UL 5500 on regular basis in Jamnagar SSA of Gujarat Circle 24-05-16
Re-launch of add-on voice packs for offering 24 hrs Unlimited free calls to any networknder BB Combo in selected SSAs reg 15-07-16
Re-allotment - Transfer and Posting in the grade of CAO reg 26-09-16
Re launch of promotional offer of 3G datacard 3-6Mbps at reduced rate as backup to ,the ADSL BB 17-07-13
Re launch of FTTH plans for Hydrabad TD reg 08-04-16
Provisioning of Services by BSNL by leveraging NOFN reg 27-04-16
Re launch of BB palns Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 reg 01-09-14
Rationalization of installation charges for LL-BB connections under Bharat Fiber category in all the circles
Provision of addl Static IP on Chrgeable basis 25-08-11
Provision of Static IP under Home plan 18-06-09
Provision of Modems reg 04-04-14
Prospective Post paid BB customer UL BB combo above 500 with party own modem offer reg 11-08-11
Proposal for DSL Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD plans in Bhopal SSA MP Circle reg 25-01-18
Promotional Schemes under ADSL BB services in Kerala Circle 15-10-13
Promotional Scheme to offer 10 per discount on Speed Restoration add-on Plans
Online recharge procdure for prepaid BB
Promotional scheme for VAS Bundled Tariff Plans for BB 01-12-09
Promotional Scheme for new DSL BB customers under annual option for Malapuram SSA -kerala Circle 15-07-14
Promotional scheme BB 06-04-09
Promotional offer to prospective customer 03-03-10
Promotional offer of waiving Installation charges of new LL and BB customers in CTD 17-03-15
Promotional offer SD concession for 60 days 04-07-11
Promotional offer of waiving Installation charges of new LL and BB customers in CHTD 17-03-15
Promotional offer New combo BB 22-09-09
Promotional offer for Prospective BB Customers 01-02-12
Promotional offer for booking of new LL BB Combo connection through social media reg 22-04-16
Promotional BB plans in Kerala circle to the new BB customers only 07-01-16
Prepaid BB tariff 19-10-09
Prepaid BB voucher clarification 05-08-11
PGM GM SEN LIST-BSNL Absorbed 01-11-18
Parity charges between USOF BB plan and CSC BB plan 26-08-11
OnMobile payment for intervening period reg 18-06-12
On line education service to BB cust -Odisha 26-03-14
Offering 3G data card at reduced price as a back up to ADSL postpaid cust at Hyd Kol BGE 13-09-12
Offer for Prepaid BB sub with own modem -06-02-12
Offer for new Rural BB customers in DSLAMs where connection is less than 31 reg 31-12-13
Offer for closed Postpaid BB restoration - 06-02-12
Night free calls from LL to any network in India - Extended to BB Combo plans also 21-04-15
Night free calling facilty - For all Retail BB combo plans - CS plans - Old BB plans 13-05-15
New UL BB Volume based Usage vouchers 25-01-12
New tariff for NETONE services 29-06-12
New FTTH nnd VDSL BB plans in Punjab Circle only reg 05-06-15
New Standalone BB plan BBG ULD 1275 introduction reg 08-05-14
New FTTH nnd VDSL BB plans in Faridabad GUrgaon Ghaziabad Noida and Pune SSAs reg 05-06-15
New FTTH and VDSL BB plans in KTK Circle only reg 05-06-15
New FTTH and VDSL BB plans in Hydrabad TD only reg 05-06-15
New combo ltd plan for Home - Business BB 22-09-09
New BB WIMAX plans 08-06-11
New BB scheme introduction under promotional offer and FTTH plan modification at HTD 03-03-2016
New BB promotional plans for Ahemadabad SSA - Gujarat Circle 08-05-14
New BB Home ULD 750 Mou_HTD and BB Home Combo ULD 900 MoU_HTD in Hydrabad Telecom District alone reg 25-09-13
New BB combo plans for CHTD 09-08-12
New BB Plan OMSM combo UL 600 for Circle reg 03-06-14
LLOBB Leasedline over BB tariff 18-03-11
Modification under new BB plans BBG Combo ULD 490 ULD 590 in Punjab Circle-reg 20-12-17
Modification in existing friends and family talk in MP circle reg 26-04-18
Modem rental allowed to BB customers - Clarification 18-07-13
Modem monthly charges enhancement 07-03-14
Longer duration payment option BB postpaid 08-06-11
LL New tariff plans 22-02-12
Limited usage VDSL BB with High upload speed 08-06-12
Launch of VVoB service in South and East zones
Launch of new BB plans BB Home combo UL 575 and 725 in Surat SSA Gujarat Circle reg 15-10-13
Launch of New BBG Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 reg 07-05-14
Introductory plan of Online Education service reg 28-01-14
Launch of New BBG Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 reg - Corrigenda 09-05-14
Landline plan LL 1200 and LL 1500 on promotional basis till 28th Feb 2018 on PAN India Basis - reg 30-11-17
Introduction of Wi-Fi plan BSNL Wi-Fi Free Airport for retail customer at Airports in association with HSSP reg 21-09-16
Introduction of promotional scheme for the new BB customers of BBG ULD Combo 675 plan in HP - 10-05-16
Introduction of VVoBB 759 UL plan as regular UL plan 28-01-13
Introduction of promotional standalone BB Plan 5GB - free Trial for free of cost to all the existing BSNL LL subscriber reg 06-11-19
Introduction of promotional scheme to waive off installation charges for new BB customers in Kerala Telecom circle 16-02-17
Introduction of promotional scheme to waive off installation charges only for new FTTH BB connections in CHTD 12-04-16
Introduction of new Standalone BB plan reg 04-04-14
Introduction of PAN India BB plan ‘Experience Unlimited Broadband 299’ and withdrawal of Circle Specific plan in Vadodara SSA GJ reg 06-12-18
Introduction of PAN India BB plan BBG Combo ULD 549 and withdrawal of Circle Specific plan BBG ULD 499 - GJ circle reg 03-01-19
Introduction of new limited post-paid BB plan BBG Combo 7500 and revision under existing Post paid BB plans in A adn N Circle 06-02-18
Introduction of New VVoBB schemes 28-01-13
Introduction of New LL Tariff Plan UL349 with 24 Hrs free Unlimited calling within RJ ircle for redidential customers 11-10-17
Introduction of new limited Broadband plans BBG Combo plans in A and N circle reg 31-07-17
Introduction of new half yearly Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 4999 in Surat SSA of Gujarat Circle 24-08-16
Introduction of new limited BB plans BBG Combo 350 650’ in A and N Circle 18-10-17
Introduction of new Half yearly broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 4200 - Annual plan 9900in Surat SSA of Gujarat circle 07-03-17
Introduction of new Half Yearly BB plan BBG Combo ULD 5994 BBNL to BBNL BB connections provided at GPs under NOFN 03-07-17
Introduction of new FTTH plans Fibro Combo ULD 2599 3199 4699 in Gurgaon SSA Haryana circle reg 01-08-16
Introduction of new FTTH plan Fibro Combo ULD 2490 on promotional basis in Odisha Circle 17-05-16
Introduction of new FTTH plan ibro Combo ULD 895 on promotional basis in Gurgaon SSA of Haryana Circle 01-01-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD pllans in Vadodara SSA - Gujarat Circle 18-07-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD pllans in UP W circle in Selected SSAs 18-07-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD pllans in Ahmedabad SSA - Gujarat Circle 18-07-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD 698 ULD 798 Bhopal SSA MP Circle reg 25-07-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plan Fibro Combo ULD 1550 in Vadodara SSA of Gujarat Circle - reg 21-03-17
Introduction of new FTTH Broadband plan Fibro Combo ULD 400 in Warangal SSA of Telangana Circle reg 23-10-17
Introduction of new FTTH BB plans Fibro Combo ULD 1299 1699 2999 in CHTD reg 01-08-16
Introduction of new Fibro Combo ULD plans on promotional basis in Punjab circle 11-07-17
Introduction of new Family Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 1199 Family - Clarification reg 12-04-18
Introduction of new Family BB plan BBG Combo ULD 1199 Family with 3 mobile connections on Pan India basis reg 10-04-18
Introduction of new Family BB plan BBG Combo ULD 1199 Family bundled with three mobile connection on PAN India basis - 14-03-18
Introduction of new DSL BB only’ plan 45GB as backup for Bharat Fiber BB connections in NE 1 region
Introduction of new DSL - FTTH Broadband plans in Faridabad - Haryana Circle reg 15-07-16
Introduction of new Circle specific Broadband Only plans ‘BBO UL 299 399 499 and 599 in MH circle reg 01-08-18
Introduction of new Circle Specific Limited Broadband Combo 10 GB Plan exclusive for A&N 04-10-19
Introduction of new Circle Specific Broadband over WiFi unlimited plans in MH circle reg 01-08-18
Introduction of new Circle Specific Broadband Only’ plans BBO UL in Odisha circle reg 03-08-18
Introduction of new Broadband plans FBBG Combo ULD for PSPCL in Punjab circle 19-07-17
Introduction of new Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD in Karnataka Circle reg 07-03-18
Introduction of new Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 895 ULD 1225 CS223 in Gurgon SSA reg 25-07-17
Introduction of new Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 680 ASoM - 950 ASoM - Withdrawal of 990 AsOM reg 07-03-17
Introduction of new Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 490 590 in PB circle rewg 23-10-17
Introduction of new Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 599 on promotional basis in MP Circle 22-07-16
Introduction of new Broadband only’ plans and new FTTH Fibre Combo ULD plan in MH circle reg 23-11-17
Introduction of new Bharat Fiber Broadband Combo plan ‘00GB in all the circles reg 05-02-2020
Introduction of new Bharat Fiber - DSL BB Combo plan SUPER STAR 500 with bundled Hotstar Premium - reg 25-09-19
Introduction of new BB plans_BBG Combo ULD 750 ULD 1045 ULD 699 ULD 1049 for TN Circle
Introduction of new BB plans BBG Super Speed Combo in NCR area of UP West Circle reg 09-05-16
Introduction of new BB plans and FTTH plans in Vadodara SSA - Gujarat Circle reg 09-11-16
Introduction of new BB plans BBG Combo ULD for Residential connections in Kolcatta TD reg 14-03-18
Introduction of new BB plan BBG Combo ULD 990 AsoM with enhanced e mail storage space -20-11-15
Introduction of New BB plans and Waival of instalaation charges in Chattigarh Circle reg 28-01-15
Introduction of new BB plan BBG Combo ULD 470 in selected SSAs of AP Circle – reg 09-05-16
Introduction of new BB plan BBG Combo ULD 698 for TN State Govt entities reg 26-04-18
Introduction of new BB plan BBG Combo ULD 450 on promotional basis in Kolkata TD reg 08-06-16
Introduction of new BB plan BBG combo 2100 in Godhra SSA of Gujarat Circle 17-03-15
Introduction of new BB plan BBG Combo UL 599 with Flat 2 Mbps Speed and reformulation of certain BB plans - 10-07-17
Introduction of new annual BB plan BBG Combo ULD 8400 in Himatnagar - Gujarat Circle reg 29-04-16
Introduction of new BB only DSL plan without voice facility BBO ULD 249 in MP Circle reg 05-04-18
Introduction of new BB only DSL plan - without voice facility BBO ULD 249 in Bhopal SSA MP Circle reg 06-03-18
Introduction of new annual BB plan BBG Combo ULD 8400 - nadiad SSA Gujarat Circle reg 30-05-16
Introduction of new 4 Mbps speed BB plan BBG Combo ULD 1599 with 24 Hrs unlimited free calls to any NW 10-11-16
Introduction of FTTH plans Fibro Combo ULD and BB combo ULD in selected SSAs in AP circle reg 08-03-17
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD plans in Rajasthan Circle reg 17-01-18
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD plans in Gurgaon SSA in Haryana Circle 10-08-17
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD in Gurgaon SSA - Haryana Circle 23-11-17
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD 1100 1400 1950 2400 and Withdrawal of Fibro BBG ULD 1395 - KTK reg 21-03-17
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD 698 798 in Indore SSA MP Circle 08-08-17
Introduction of Flexi Combo plans under LL and BB 19-06-12
Introduction of FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD 1099 1398 and 1999 for Pondichery SSA in TNC 20-07-17
Introduction of F&F feature in Student special plan-reg 12-07-16
Introduction of Data STVs bundled with Mobile TV Pack 28-07-17
Introduction of DSL Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD plans in Bhopal SSA - MP Circle reg 10-10-17
Introduction of Circle Specific Bharat Fibre Broadband Combo plan 1500GB in Chennai TD and TL circle reg 08-01-2020
Introduction of Circle Specific Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 30GB to new BB customer in Ap circle - 26-12-18
Introduction of circle specific Bharat Fiber Broadband Combo plan 300GB in Rajasthan telecom circle -reg 05-02-2020
Introduction of circle specific Bharat Fiber BB Combo plan 300GB in Rajasthan circle
Introduction of circle specific Bharat Fiber BB Combo plan 300GB in Kolkatta an WB circle
Introduction of circle specific BBG Combo ULD 30GB to new Broadband customers in AP circle 14-03-19
Introduction of Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 699 999 1599 9900 reg - Vadodara SSA Gujarat Circle -07-06-17
Introduction of Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 675 in Bharuch SSA - Gujarat Circle 12-07-16
Introduction of Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 499 in Hisar SSA of Haryana Circle -reg 16-02-17
Introduction of Broadband over WiFi unlimited plan BBG BSNLFi UL 750 offered through BWSP in RJ and J and K circles reg 12-12-18
Introduction of Broadband over WiFi plans BBG BSNLFi ULD in Punjab Circle reg 19-01-2018
Introduction of Broadband Combo plan BB Combo ULD 749 in Selected SSAs in MP Circle 30-05-16
Introduction of BB ULD 4245 in Bhopal and Indore SSAs reg 26-06-14
Introduction of BB plans in Nasik SSA - MH Circle reg 15-07-16
Introduction of BB plans in Bhopal SSA - MP Circle reg 15-07-16
Introduction of BB only plans and BBG Combo ULD plans in PB Circle reg 03-10-17
Introduction of BB only plans - FUP upgration of certail BBG combo plans and withdrawal of certain BB plans reg 22-07-16
Introduction of annual BB plan BBG Combo UL 5500 for a period of 90 days in Nadiad SSA - Gujarat Circle 08-04-16
Introduction of BB Combo plan ULD 675 for Kolkatta TD 29-06-15
Introduction of add-on voice packs for offering 24 Hrs ULD free calls to any network under BB Combo plans in KTK circle reg
Introduction of ADSL and FTTH BB Combo plan for Pune SSA 29-06-15
Introduction of a scheme to waive off monthly rental charges for the ADSL WiFi Modem to the new DSL - FTTH - Bhopal SSA MP circle 23-11-17
Introduction of a scheme to waive off Installation charges for new LL DSL FTTH connections reg 18-07-17
Introduction of a scheme for sale of ADSL WiFi Modem at Rs 1500 with 100 percentage Cash back offer reg 18-07-17
Introduction of 8 Mbps BB plan in NCR reg 29-06-15
Introduction of 8 Mbps BB plan in KTK Circle reg 29-06-15
Introduction of 4 Mbps BB plan in Gujarat only reg 29-06-15
Introduction monthly rental charges of FTTH ONT along with ADSL BB reg 21-07-15
ILL services revised tariff 29-06-12
Half yearly broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 4200 and Annual broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 9900 in Surat -GJ circle 20-07-17
FTTH Broadband plans Fibro Combo ULD on regular basis to MH circle reg 23-11-17
Free VAS over broadband 05-01-11
Free FTTH BB connections to the two important persons - opinion makers in each SSA reg 09-05-18
FTTH BB plans Fibro Combo ULD 1099 - ULD 1499 - ULD 1999 in Bangalore TD - Karnata Circle 01-11-18
Extn of UL DL - UL Army BB combo and UL on EVDO reg 13-03-14
Free BB on VAS for prospective customers 14-02-12
Free 500 Mb for Motive client activation 23-12-10
Extension of the ADSL WiFi modem at reduced sale price scheme to BBG Combo ULD 4945 plan in MP Circle 08-04-16
Extension of some BBG and VDSL plans in Hydrabad telephone District reg 01-04-13
Extension of FTTH BB plan Fibro Combo ULD 1499 on promotional basis in Odisha circle 12-04-16
Extension of SAMADHAN upto 31-03-12 - 27-09-11
Extension of newly launched BB ULD plans in HTD 06-12-12
Extension of entry level unlimited Broadband plan Experience Unlimited BB 249 up to June 2017 reg 24-03-17
Extension of Cashback scheme for all the new and existing BSNL LL-BB-BBoWiFi customers who opt for yearly - annual payment reg 02-01-19
Extension of BBG ULD 5500 in Godhra SSA - Gujarat Circle reg 28-01-15
Extension of BB plans BBG Combo ULD plans in TN Circle reg 12-07-16
Extension of BB plans BBG Combo ULD in Surat SSA - Gujarat circle 15-06-16
Extension of annual BB plan BBG Combo UL 5500 for Himtanagar SSA Gujarat Circle 06-0116
Existing sub convertion to LD BB option - Free modem reg 18-08-11
Enhancement of FMC under some selected BB plans - TN circle 01-09-14
Excess billing complaints in revision of FN BB plans - Clarification 01-09-14
Enhancement of FMC under some selected BB plans - MP circle 01-09-14
Enhancement of FMC under BBG 250 Broadband plan in TN Circle only 03-04-13
Enhancement of FMC of some selected BB plans in MH Circle 16-10-14
Enhancement of Fixed Monthly Charges (FMC) under certain PAN India DSL BB plans in all the circles - reg 13-07-20
Enhancement of BBG 250 plan in Karnataka Circle 30-05-13
Enhancement of BB home Combo ULD 950 to Rs 999 in TNC 12-03-14
Enhancement of bandwidth under old existing Broadband Plans (Inactive for new customers) -reg 27-04-20
Enhancement of Bandwidth in some selected BB plans - AP circle 01-09-14
DSL Broadband plans 50GB CUL- 120GB CUL & Bharat Fiber BB plan 500GB CUL to new customers reg 05-10-20
Discount for ADSL CSC customers for 3 months as promotional offer reg 21-11-13
Discontinuation of penalty for migration from lower FMC to higher FMC plan under annual payment option 07-05-13
Data card price offer as a back haul to BB post paid sub 17-12-12
DSL - FTTH Combo plans introduction in Bhopal - MP Circle reg 16-03-17
Disconnected Postpaid BB as Prepaid without installation charges 12-07-11
Conversion name of Home BB reg 22-09-09
CPEs thru Franchisees reg 22-02-12
Conce tariff BB - School - college 18-01-10
Cocessional BB connection to below JAG level officers 28-02-12
Clarification reg Installation charges - LL -BB-FTTH reg 14-101-9
Clarification reg promotional standalone BB 5GB Free Trial for one month to all the existing BSNL LL sub reg 25-02-19
Clarification on 20 perc discount applicability for Annual Payment Option reg 15-03-13
Circle Specific BB Only plans BBO UL 399 and UL 599 in Maharashtra Circle - 011118
Charging FMC of BB up to date of barring incoming facility - DNP case - Clarification 28-02-13
Change of Nomenclature of certain existing Broad band Postpaid plans 09-12-14
Change in Nomenclature 03-11-10
Change in minimum period of Safe Custody plan for all Categories reg 28-07-21
CGMs authorised- 100 free calls for 6 months for Post paid prospective customers opt for BB plan in which modem is free as package
Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD and add on voice pack in Indore and Bhopal SSA in MP Circle - 01-08-17
Broadband plans BBG Combo ULD 699 and 999 and add on Voice packs - Vadodara SSA - Gujarat Circle 10-10-17
Broadband plan Experience Unlimited BB 249 on regular basis reg 26-06-18
Broadband plan BBG Combo ULD 399’ on regular basis in Vadodara SSA of Gujarat Circle -reg 11-07-18
Broadband over WiFi plan BBG BSNLFi ULD 1591 in Punjab Circle - reg 03-08-18
Broadband only plans in Punjab Circle reg 10-05-18
Benefits of BB Flexi combo plans 22-06-12
BBG Zero plan Free download clarification 16-03-11
BBG Speed Combo ULD 1091 extension on Promotional basis in KTK circle 06-01-16
BBG SSC 4999 9999 tariff 24-06-10
BBG FN combo 500 CS 18 paln for CHTD 11-09-12
BBG combp 299-Annual option clarification 16-06-10
BBG Combo ULD plans on promotional basis in Chandigarh SSA PB circle 04-09-17
BBG combo ULD 2799 - Corrigenda 09-05-14
BBG Combo ULD 1441 introduction in Selected SSAs in Punjab circle 26-03-15
BBG combo UL 5500 - Introduction in Jamnagar SSA - Gujarat Circle reg 17-11-15
BBG combo plan 9999 24-02-10
BB regular plan 4999 9999 - 24-06-10
BBG 700 Postpaid plan DL upgradation 30-09-11
BBG 350 BBG 450 introduction in some SSAs of MP circle 07-03-12
BBG 125 CS6 promotional plan in Gujarat
BB zero rental paln 08-02-11
BB ULD Speed combo 1091 relaunched in Karnataka circle 21-10-15
BB tariff at Common service centre 27-03-09
BB UL 399 for Hydrabad TD alone 31-08-10
BB scheme for PCOs modification 21-02-11
BB promotional offer for new sub 11-09-12
BB Recent tariff reduction-Promotion reg 07-02-11
BB Prepaid tariff - Rationalisation 25-07-11
BB prepaid-Withheld modem rental option 17-08-11
BB postpaid Prospective customers - Own modem - waiver of IC - 06-09-12
BB plan for Web casting during General Election 2014
BB plans BBG Combo ULD 150GB plan - 300GB plan- 600GB plan for new customers reg 06-09-18
BB plan for BB kiosk 20-12-10
BB plan - Software 08-01-11
BB PCO 26-10-10
BB over WiFi unlimited plans in selected circles for BWSP reg 06-04-18
BB on FTTH promotional offer 08-08-11
BB MP ULD 1000 plan - Bandwidth upgradation reg 28-05-13
BB new HS plan 16mbps 03-03-10
BB home combo 625 UL 09-09-10
BB Long duration option - Clarification 17-08-11
BB internet service on FTTH- Tariff clari 15-09-11
BB internet on FTTH - Tariff clarification 15-09-11
BB inst charges waiving off 18-06-10
BB Home ULD500 reg 03-11-10
BB Home ULD 900 CS8 pormotional offer for CHTD
BB Home ULD 750 CS7 pormotional offer for CHTD
BB Home ULD 525 - Upgradation of Bandwidth - Select SSAs in AP circle 19-08-14
BB home UL 499 31-08-10
BB Home rural combo 500 - FMC and BW enhancement 02-04-14
BB home combo ULD 950 enhancec to 999 - 02-04-14
BB handset on instalment 04-12-09
BB free trial paln - 01-03-12
BB FTTH - Fibro Combo ULD 1095 in Patna SSA of Bihar Circle 26-03-15
BB free down load offer 16-09-10
BB CPE throiugh Franchisees - Clarification 02-03-12
BB for PCOs 26-10-10
BB for BSNL employees- Clarification 18-10-10
BB discount to visualy impaired 08-04-09
BB Discount scheme clarification 17-03-09
BB concession to prospective customer 10-01-11
BB commission-Discount-Franchisee 01-10-10
BB Concession for employee reg 16-05-11
BB Combo rev share with EPABX franchisee 19-09-11
BB Bandwidth Upgradation for Post paid plans 18-01-12
BB and Combo plans for new customers only in Kolkata TD 07-01-16
BB Bandwidth speed of some Postpaid plans Upgradation 11-01-12
BB 20per discount for BSNL employees 12-06-09
BB 20 per discount- BSNL employees reg 18-10-10
BB 20 per discount clarification 21-09-10
BB - revision of applicability from Home to All users 13-10-14 users
Army BB Combo Pack Tariff 03-08-09
Annual BB Plan for Godhra SSA Gujarat Circle 25-02-16
Applicability of BB plans from Home users to All users - CHTD reg 09-11-15
Annual Postpaid ADSL BB option - Revision - Odisha Circle 31-01-13
ARMY BBCombo plan Clarification 09-12-10
Annual BB plan BBG Combo UL 5500 in Bhuj SSA Gujarat circle 07-01-16
Allowing Add-on voice pack of Rs 98 for BBG Combo ULD 599 plan in Indore SSA of MP Circle reg 16-03-17
ADSL Wifi modem at reduced rate or free of cost for BB annual plan reg 28-12-15
Additional free calls - Unlimited BB combo reg 11-08-11
ADSL Wifi Modem at reduced rate or free to new BB customers - Clarification 12-01-16
Add-on voice packs for offering 24 hrs UL free calls Local and STD to any network under BB combo in Hyderabad TD reg 23-02-17
Add-on packs to offer OTT services to the DSL - FTTH - AirFibre - BBoWiFi - BB Customers reg 23-04-21
500mb free for motive implementation - 23-12-10
5GB Free Trial’ for free of cost to all the existing BSNL LL which are not having BB reg 04-07-19
50 percent Installation charge waiver for new LL and BB in TNC reg 14-08-14
3G data card offer for ADSL BB customers reg 09-03-15