Special Meeting by CMD BSNL with General Secretaries of
Recognized Associations: On
13/03/2025, by sensing the occasion of Holi, Shri. A. Robert J. Ravi, CMD
BSNL called a special meeting of General Secretaries of Recognized Associations
Shri. M. Satya Sasidhar, AGS also attended this special
meeting with Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA.
At the outset CMD BSNL conveyed best wishes to all leaders for Holi,
the festival of colours and directed convey the same to all Executives and
employees of BSNL. CMD BSNL specially
appreciated the efforts being made by executives and employees in
overall growth of BSNL thereby bringing BSNL in Net profit in Q3. He appealed
to keep continued efforts on adding more and more Revenue to BSNL during this
month, March 2025 which is being observed as Revenue Month.
In reciprocation, we also conveyed best wishes and greetings of
Holi and congratulated CMD BSNL for the milestone achievement of net profit and
assured continued support for overall growth of BSNL.
CMD BSNL further added that the very purpose of calling this
special meetings is that though efforts are being made by the Management for
resolution of different HR Issues, the desired results are not achieved as
different stands are taken by leaders of associations and matters are taken to
units/ offices other than BSNL including courts, when solutions can be found by
discussions. He specifically mentioned that he is not inclined to anybody or
any associations and everybody is equal for him and he really wants to celebrate
April 2025 as HR Month, wherein concern expressed by the associations will be
given consideration. He added that in this process and his initiatives for
clearing pending HR issues by giving proper solutions, he finds that if there
is difference of opinion among the leaders of recognized Associations, the
issues cannot be resolved. He especially appealed the General Secretaries that they should seat together, arrange the
combined meetings of prominent leaders of all three associations and come to
the certain minimum required understanding on desired solution of the prominent
pending issues and mainly on promotions which are being litigated/dragged to
other authorities and courts when solution can be derived within BSNL by having
common minimum programme with proper understanding among the General Secretaries
and specifically appealed that during HR Month, the leaders of the three
recognized associations should come forward with common minimum understanding
and without any disputes so that maximum issues are resolved and all possible
mainly Promotions are issued during this
HR Month, April 2025.
It is really a great gesture from Shri. A. Robert J. Ravi, CMD BSNL with initiatives
for resolution of pending HR issues and giving relief to Executives in BSNL to
possible extent.
In conclusion, we the leaders of recognized associations assured
CMD BSNL for having understanding between three recognized Associations and
resolve the disputes/issues if any and submit combined proposal/s together for
resolution of pending HR Issues and conveyed special thanks for proactive steps
and initiatives by CMD BSNL for resolution of pending HR issues of the

of SNEA felicitated the newly Elected CHQ OBs of AIGETOA: In a special & short but
sweet felicitation function held at Office of AIGETOA CHQ at IR Hall, Eastern
Court, Janpath New Delhi, a high level delegation of SNEA felicitated the newly elected OBs of AIGETOA
CHQ by offering Shawl, Bouquets and conveyed best wishes to the newly
elected CHQ OBs of AIGETOA.
delegation was consisting of Shri. M.S. Adasul GS, Shri. Manish
Samadhiya, President CHQ, Shri. Rajdeep, AGS, Shri. M Satya
Sashidhar, AGS, Mrs. Anu Agarwal, CP BSNL CO, Shri. K K S Yadav,
CS ALTTC, Shri. Ramesh Jain, CT BSNL CO, Shri. Umesh Agarwal, ACS
BSNL CO and SNEA activists Shri. Arvind Kumar, Shri Kishor Patil, Shri.
Prashant Jadhav etc.
delegation specially felicitated and
congratulated Shri G Veerabhadra Rao, President, Shri Badri Kumar
Mehta, Vice President, Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS, Shri Pavan
Akhand, AGS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS, Shri Nitin Dahiya, AGS and
Shri Sunil Gautam, AGS and
conveyed best wishes.
AIGETOA conveyed thanks for such good gesture and it was firmly decided by
leaders of the both the association to put on united efforts for resolution of
pending HR issues. PHOTOS <<<>>
arranged All India Conference of AIGETOA: The seventh All India Conference of AIGETOA
was held on Saturday, 09/02/2025 at Hotel Hometel, A Sarovar Hotel, Bus Stand,
Lucknow, UP East.
invitation from GS AIGETOA, Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA accompanied by Shri
Sushil Tripathi, CS SNEA UP East, Shri. Arun Shah, CP SNEA UP East
and Shri Gopal Krishna Awasthi, Advisor SNEA CHQ has attended and
addressed this All India Conference.
Conference was attended by leaders and delegates of AIGETOA from different
parts of India participated in this Conference which was addressed online through
video conference by Shri A Robert J Ravi, CMD BSNL, addressed the
Apart from
all prominent Leaders of AIGETOA, the open session was also addressed Dr.
Kalyan Sagar Nippani Director HR, Shri A K Garg, CGMT UP East, Shri
R C Pandey, GS BTEU and Shri Vipin Ranjan AGS SEWA.
The theme
of Open session was BSNL@2025 Empowering BSNL’s Workforce for An Innovation
Driven Growth and all the speakers have enlightened the house about latest
updates on the subject and happenings in BSNL.
PHOTOS <<<>>

SNEA felicitates Shri Rohit Sharma, DG Telecom & Member
Servies DoT on Superannuation Retirement: Delegation of SNEA consisting Shri. M.S. Adasul GS, Shri. Shri. M
Satya Sashidhar, AGS and Shri
Nimesh Yadav, OS SNEA CNTxN felicitated and congratulated Shri Rohit Sharma, Director
General Telecom & Members Services DoT on his superannuation retirement
after completion of highly successful service of 33 years in DoT & BSNL.
Shri. Rohit Sharma, has served
in BSNL for years together and DoT in different positions from ADET to Member
Services, He was always guiding, supporting and helpful to the executives in
BSNL. He is known for his principles and ethical values and helping nature for
all. As Member Services DoT, he was always supportive on the pending HR issues
if BSNL executives.
SNEA delegation congratulated Shri. Rohit Sharma, DG Telecom
and Member Services DoT and conveyed best wishes for his healthy, wealthy,
happy and long retired life.
BSNL writes to IFAs of all Circles regarding the process for tracking BSNL employees
GPF cases on separation as well as on transfer & relieving from one circle
to another. Copy<<<>>
AGM Estt
BSNL CO issued letter for extending the time period for submission of online Self-Certificate
for payment of Professional Upgradation Allowance for executives. Copy<<<>>
Till now
some of executives have not submitted the online certificate and now ERP-ESS window for the submission of
PUA Online Certificate for FY 2024-25 will
be open from 26/03/2025 to 31/03/2025 .
A window
for submitting self-certification regarding expenditure of PUA for purchasing
books, journals etc., was made available in ESS portal for all BSNL working
executives but some executives have not submitted the self-declaration and many
of them have requested for extension of date as they could not submit it due to
active involvement in office activities related to Financial Year closure and
achievement of targets.
SNEA has requested for one more opportunity for these executives for submission
of the requisite certificate regarding for PUA.
conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL Board, PGM Estt BSNL CO and his team of
officers in Estt Section for considering this special request and opening short
window for submission of PUA Certificate from 26/03/2025 to 31/03/2025
This is
final opening of window for submission of PUA Certificate and hopefully all
remaining executives will submit their certificate in given time otherwise one
has to be ready for forfeiting his/her Professional Upgradation Allowance @ 2 %
of basic for FY 2024-25.
of PUA Certificate is very simple task, which needs time of less than one
minute to complete it through ESS SNEA appeals all executives to take serious
note of this extended date and submit the pending self-certificates in given
time immediately and latest by 31/03/2025 by keeping in mind that the
chances of second extension of this window are as good as nil.
ALTTC Ghaziabad writes to all Circle Heads regarding submission of data of
pending Induction trainings of JAOs both Departmental and Direct Recruitee for
planning the trainings accordingly. Copy<<<>>
BSNL CO published the minutes of the Formal Agenda Meeting by Majority
Recognized Association, SNEA with Director HR in special presence of CMD
BSNL. Copy<<<>>
important issues discussed in this Formal Agenda meeting viz. Restoration
of Second Saturday, Allowing Deputation to other PSUs/Govt Organizations,
Stoppage of Inter/Intra Circle Long stay Rotational Transfers have
been settled by now.
Other HR
issues which were very positively responded by Director HR & his HR team in
this Formal Agenda Meeting and principally agreed for resolution viz.
TA/DA enhancement, Extension of Laptop Amount Reimbursement Policy to field
units, Transport Allowance, Restoration DA Limit for medical reimbursement,
Creation of Benevolent Fund, Sabbatical leave for Executives, enhancement
of SAB Contribution, Revised transfer Policy, Restoration of Tenure of all
India hard tenure stations, Consideration of OTP Requests submitted in July 24
and Jan 25 OTP windows, request of CSS Cadre Executives to their Home Circle,
Implementation of third PRC, Approval of upgraded Standard Pay scales,
resolution of disputes of educational Qualification in Civil/Electrical wing,
Promotions for filling all vacant posts, specially JTOs to SDE promotions
for Civil/Elect wing who are waiting for first promotion in 25 years, Restructuring review as per the practical Requirement and workload,
reduction of court cases by settlement of grievances by discussions with
applicants, 22820 issue, Pay Loss Issue, One Increment to Dept JTOs, DoT
Pension Issue, Approval of E7 Pay Scales, One PSU One Association and Functioning of ALTTC
Ghaziabad etc., are continuously pursued by SNEA for resolution of
issues as per these discussions.
We are
hopeful that all these issues will be given kind consideration during April
2025, which is declared as HR Month, wherein this recorded fruitful discussions
will definitely helpful for positive outcome in favor of BSNL executives in
the HR Month to be observed in April 2025. Let us Hope for the Best.

High level delegation of SNEA &
SEWA congratulated and Felicitated CMD BSNL for Q3 Net profit: By taking note of Net profit of
BSNL in Q3 of 2024-25, the High level delegation consisting leaders of SNEA
& SEWA had meeting with Shri. A Robert J Ravi, CMD BSNL on 19/02/2025
in his chamber wherein delegation felicitated CMD BSNL for this historical and
milestone achievement of Net profit of BSNL after prolonged period of 17 years.
During this meeting Shri Vivek Banzal, Director CFA BSNL Board was also
present and delegation also congratulated and felicitated Director CFA.
This High level Delegation was led by Shri.
M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA and Shri. N. D. Ram, GS SEWA and was
consisting SNEA leaders viz. Shri. M. Satya Sashidhar, AGS, Mrs. Anu Agarwal, CP BSNL CO, Shri.
K. K. S. Yadav, CS ALTTC, Shri Sudeep Pandey, CP ALTTC, Shri.
Umesh Agarwal, ACS BSNL CO, Shri. Balvant Singh ADS Manali HP and SEWA
leaders viz. Shri. Vijay Pal
Singh, DyGS, Shri. Satveer Singh, AGS & CP NTR, Shri. Suresh
Chand Meena, AFS SEWA CHQ,
Delegation congratulated the CMD BSNL and
entire management for this great achievement and specially felicitated CMD BSNL
with Shawal, Himachal Pradesh CAP and sampling. We expressed that we will be
most happy to see that under able
leadership of CMD BSNL, this year BSNL will be in net profit.
In reciprocation, CMD BSNL conveyed thanks to
delegation and specially mentioned that this is result of dedicated efforts by
entire workforce of BSNL. He appealed to keep on the efforts during this
remaining period of this financial Year and expressed pleasure on the special
contribution by Associations.
CMD BSNL further added that as associations
are following Feb as FTTH Month and March may be followed as Revenue Month and
in reciprocation he proposes to hold
April as HR Month wherein all HR issues will be given due consideration.
He appreciated approach of SNEA and SEWA towards the pursuing the issues by giving timely feedback
and assured that to look into pending HR Issues on basis of this feedback.
In conclusion, once again congratulated CMD
BSNL and conveyed thanks and assured to put special efforts from meeting the
targets assigned. PHOTOS <<<>>

of Newly Elected CHQ OBs of SEWA BSNL: In Special and beautifully arranged Felicitation
function at SEWA BSNL office at NTR Delhi, the delegation of SNEA greeted,
felicitated and congratulated the Newly elected/re-elected CHQ OBs of SEWA BSNL
by offering Shawl, Bouquets and conveyed best wishes for grand success of this
unanimously elected energetic team of SEWA CHQ.
delegation was consisting of Shri. M.S. Adasul GS, Shri. Rajdeep,
AGS, Shri. Arvind Pal Dahiya, CS BSNL CO, Shri. Jagdish Rout, CS
SNEA Odisha, Mrs. Anu Agarwal, CP BSNL CO, Shri. P. N. Patil, VP BSNL CO, Shri.
Umesh Agarwal, ACS BSNL CO and SNEA activists Shri. Arvind Kumar, Shri.
Ram jee and Shri Kishor Patil etc.
delegation specially felicitated and congratulated Shri N. D. Ram GS
SEWA, Shri Ram Avatar Meena, CHQ Advisor , Shri Satyaveer Singh, AGS
and Shri Suresh Chand Meena, AFS CHQ and conveyed best wishes for
their grand success.
this short but sweet functions all the leaders and activists of SNEA and SEWA present
on the occasions have addressed gathering thereby congratulating new team of
reciprocation Team SEWA CHQ conveyed thanks for such good gesture from SNEA and
it was firmly decided by leaders of the both the association to put on united
efforts for resolution of pending HR issues. PHOTOS
Update on Pay Loss Court Case by SNEA at CAT Ernakulum: The hearing in Pay Loss case
filed by SNEA activists at CAT Ernakulam was held on 11/03/2025. As updated earlier, the application filed by
SNEA has progressed to the final hearing stage but a similar case filed by
petitioner Shri. Anoop Das, JTO Kerala and others on the same subject
matter had resulted in the clubbing of
both cases together. In last hearing BSNL was directed to submit reply before
this hearing, which is not submitted by BSNL till today. SNEA advocate requested
Hon. Court to start hearing in case filed by SNEA activists as this case is in
final hearing. But , finally Hon. court has given time to BSNL to file reply
statement on later application and accordingly the next hearing in this case is
scheduled on 16/06/2025. SNEA <<<>> PVT CASE <<<>>
Finance CFA BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads and IFAs regarding Claims
receivable from DoT for Telecom facilities provided to various DoT
officers/officials for both working and retired. Copy<<<>>
AGM Pers
BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Rotation of officers holding
sensitive posts. Copy<<<>>
It is
mentioned that officers are not rotated by Circles despite that they were due
for rotation during the quarter ending Sept. 2024 and Dec. 2024. In the
structured meeting held on 13.03.2025 at BSNL CO, it has been decided that the
officer holding sensitive posts and due for rotational transfer shall be
implemented w.e.f. Q1 of F/Y 2025-26.
BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Performance of the Circles in
respect of mandatory Eight (08) hours Training courses on iGoT portal in Q-4
(2024-2025), under Mission Karmayogi. Copy<<<>>
Highly Successful Eighth Circle
Conference of SNEA Karnataka: The Eighth
Circle Conference of SNEA Karnataka Circle was held at
Mysore Builders Charitable Trust Auditorium, Ground Floor, 34, Akkamahadevi
Road, Industrial Suburb, Vishweshawrnagar, Mysore – 570008.
The proceedings
of the Circle Conference began at the Builders Charitable Trust Auditorium in
Mysore with a flag hoisting ceremony, by hands of Shri. Guruprasad Deshpande,
Circle President, CHQ leaders and other senior leaders. The event was filled
with energetic slogans, including SNEA Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad, and Executives
Unity Zindabad.
The entire proceedings of
meeting were presided over by Shri Guruprasad Deshpande Circle
Shri. S
P Jagadale, Circle Secretary highlighted the key issues affecting Karnataka,
including the struggles of executives to provide quality services to BSNL
Open Session : The
open session started at 1210 Hrs was presided over by Circle President Shri. Guruprasad
Deshpande and was featured by the following esteemed guests and leaders.
1. Shri Rajiv Kumar, Director Fin, BSNL, Chief Guest.
2. Mrs. N Sujatha, CGMT KTK Circle, Guest of Honour.
Shri. Manish Samadhiya, President SNEA CHQ.
Shri. Rajesh Manchan, Vice President
Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ
Shri. Tata Babu, Treasurer SNEA CHQ,
Shri. Vimal Raghunath AGS SNEA CHQ
Shri Maitan Topppo, PGM Trans/BN KTK Circle,
Shri Ashok Kumar Agarwal, Sr GM HR/A KTK,
10. Shri Rajendra Singh, GM Mysore BA,
11. Shri. M.H. Gombi, CS SNPWA KTK Circle.
12. Shri. Jagadish T, CS SEWA KTK Circle,
13. Shri. Sudharshan H A, CS BSNLEU KTK Circle ,
14. Shri. Santosh Gowda, CS AIGETOA KTK Circle,
15. Shri. Srinivasalu, CS AIBSNLEA KTK Circle,
session began with the lighting of the lamp by dignitaries and Guests and a
prayer by Team SNEA Mysore.
significant moment during the conference was the inauguration of the "W.
Sheshagiri Rao SNEA Bhavan" in Sahakarnagar Bangalore, named in honor
of the founder and Pithamaha of SNEA. This tribute recognized his contributions
to the welfare of BSNL executives.
The event also felicitated Sri Aditya, JTO IT, CO Bangalore, who
received a Gold Medal from the Honorable CMD BSNL for developing a service
portal for automatic invoice processing.
S P Jagadale, Circle Secretary of SNEA Karnataka delivered a
keynote address in the open session, effectively presenting field issues and
pending HR concerns. His speech prompted Director Finance to commit to creating
a corpus fund for social security to support BSNL employees in case of
unforeseen events during their service. COPY <<<>>>
The Circle Secretaries of SNPWA, SEWA BSNL, BSNL EU, AIGETOA and
AIBSNLEA expressed their concern for BSNL employees' welfare, pressing for
early implementation of the 3rd Pay revision. They highlighted key issues,
including pay, promotions, and pension, emphasizing the need for standard pay
scales and pay revision and strengthening AUAB etc.
Shri. Tata Babu, CHQ Treasurer, expressed his happiness about the presence of Director Finance
and CGMT Karnataka at the event. He took the opportunity to explain how the
Central Head Quarters (CHQ) is working to resolve various issues affecting
executives, including Standard Pay
Scales, 30% SAB Contribution, JAO Rule 8
Pending Cases , Implementation of 3rd PRC, JTO Rule 8 Cases etc. By bringing these issues to the
attention of Director Finance and CGMT Karnataka, he emphasized the CHQ's commitment
to resolving long-pending matters and promoting the welfare of BSNL executives
Shri Maitan Topppo, PGM
Transmission and Bharat Net, highlighted transmission
network issues affecting Karnataka's FTT and mobile speed services. He appealed
for support to Close existing 10G IGW links from Bangalore to Chennai and
migrate to Bangalore IGW, Supply sufficient MANN nodes to avoid bandwidth
choking etc
Shri Rajendra Singh, GM Mysore BA, greeted and wished success for the 8th
Circle conference, appreciating the team spirit and dedication of BSNL staff in
Shri Ashok Kumar Agarwal, Sr GM
HR & Admin KTK Circle, expressed gratitude to
employees, unions, and associations for their support in resolving issues. He
acknowledged Karnataka Circle's efforts to consider Rule 8/intra-circle
transfers despite staff shortages, particularly in JTO/SDE cadres. Agarwal noted
that staff optimization is challenging due to shortages, and the circle has a
large Rule 8 waiting list.
Shri. Manish Samadhiya, President
CHQ address at the gathering was a comprehensive overview of the
current state of BSNL and its future prospects. He expressed his happiness
about Director Finance's presence and commended the team's efforts in
generating revenue judiciously for BSNL. He appealed for the resolution of
several pending issues, including Standard
Pay Scale, 22820 and E1 + 5 Increment, promotions, SAB, 3rd PRC. He also
appreciated the efforts of CGM Madam in caring for all employees and keeping
them happy. He concluded on a positive note, stating that with the merger of
MTNL with BSNL and the support of the Government of India through new projects,
BSNL will regain its glory and thrive in the long run
Mrs. N Sujatha, CGMT
Karnataka, the Guest of Honor delivered
a motivational address, emphasizing her support for the Company's growth and
revenue. CGMT Karnataka presented a Comprehensive overview of Karnataka's Telecom
landscape to Director Finance and GS SNEA CHQ, highlighting the circle's
exceptional performance across all verticals despite limited staff. CGMT KTK acknowledged
the tireless efforts of Karnataka employees in driving growth. She noted that
BSNL remains the public's first choice, emphasizing the need to maintain this
preference by providing high-quality services. On request for consideration of Rule
8 request transfers out of KTK circle, she assured that Rule 8 and transfer
requests will be considered based on the waitlist and company policy. She
appealed to all stakeholders to join forces in uplifting BSNL Karnataka and the
state as a whole. By emphasizing the importance of teamwork and quality
service, CGMT Karnataka address aimed to motivate employees and stakeholders to
work together towards the growth and success of BSNL Karnataka
Shri. M S Adasul, General
Secretary SNEA CHQ, addressed the gathering, appreciating
CGMT Karnataka's concern for employees and SNEA's efforts in unifying
associations to resolve issues collectively. He highlighted BSNL's competitive
edge in the market, providing data at Rs 1/GB, compared to other TSPs in India
and abroad. He emphasized the
need to achieve the CMD's dream of reaching a 25% market share by 2025 through
collective efforts. He elaborated on the operational and HR issues affecting
BSNL executives, seeking Director Finance's support in resolving long-pending
HR issues, including Standard Pay
Scales, E1 + 5 Increments as Interim relief for executives deprived of E2,
22820 Pay Anomaly, Enhancement in SAB Contribution, TA/DA Revision, Extension of laptop policy to all
executives for the executives in field units, Early implementation of the 3rd
Pay Revision Committee proposal, Preventing brain drain by providing better
opportunities, need of changes in Transfer
Policy, Stopping unwanted long-stay transfers, status of Promotions in different wings etc. He appealed to all executives to join
hands in improving BSNL services, satisfying customers, and increasing revenue
to achieve pending HR demands. He thanked SEWA BSNL for their unconditional
support and SNEA Karnataka members for inviting him to the grand open session
in Mysore
Shri Rajiv Kumar, Director
Finance, the chief Guest of Function, addressed
the gathering, categorizing his speech into four key areas: BSNL's financial condition, challenges to
overcome, future prospects, and beliefs and expectations. He elaborated on how
BSNL manages its finances, ensuring timely salary payments, medical
bills, and vendor payments. He highlighted the company's ability to manage
operational expenses (OPEX) and its EBITA margin. However, he noted a deficit
of ₹200 crore, which is being filled by VGA funds and income tax
refunds. BSNL faces significant challenges, including a loan of ₹34,000
crore, reduced to ₹15,000 crore, with interest reduced to ₹1,000 crore. Kumar
emphasized the need for BSNL to generate revenue to meet OPEX, with the next
two years being critical. To increase revenue, Director Finance outlined a roadmap, including- Increasing Towers From 1 lakh to 1.5
lakh, FTTH Expansion, Enhancing
fiber-to-the-home services, Content-Based Services: Leveraging BSNL's technical
expertise, Proving capabilities in handling critical projects like NFS
and 4G saturation rollout. Director Finance emphasized the
importance of building technical capabilities to make BSNL vibrant. He appreciated
suggestions for raising a corpus fund to support employees' families in case of
emergencies. Kumar concluded by appealing to all stakeholders to put in more
effort to bring BSNL back to its former glory
Shri. Guruprasad Deshpande, Circle
President KTK Circle summarized the entire
proceedings of the Open Session. He emphasized the importance of unity in
organizations and the vital role employees play in driving BSNL's success. He
expressed gratitude to dignitaries for attending the open session and
appreciated the efforts of Mysore members in arranging a warm and welcoming
Mrs. Anuradha, Executive Member SNEA KTK wrapped up the event with a heartfelt
vote of thanks, putting a perfect end to the amazing and grand open session.
The Mysore comrades truly outdid themselves with a spread of
traditional and mouth-watering dishes that were thoroughly enjoyed by all. It
was a wonderful way to refuel and recharge after the morning's festivities!
Delegate session: The Open
session concluded for lunch and thereafter Delegate session was held which was
attended and addressed by prominent leaders of SNEA.
Shri. Rajesh Manchan, Vice
President CHQ extended special thanks and congratulations
to CS SNEA Karnataka for securing the Group Health Insurance (GHI) policy for
BSNL employees, highlighting its benefits for subscribers. He acknowledged CS SNEA Karnataka's
active participation in the 66-day indefinite hunger strike at the BSNL
Corporate Office. He commended CS SNEA Karnataka's efforts in addressing
members' issues in Karnataka. He expressed admiration for GS SNEA's tireless
work in achieving 52% votes in the 3rd Membership Verification. He also praised
GS SNEA's success in resolving the SDE reversal case, securing promotions for
100 SDEs
Shri. Vimal Raghunath AGS SNEA
CHQ addressed the delegate session, assuring that OTP requests will be
considered within a week or two, with the actual relieving date to be announced
later. He highlighted SNEA's efforts in resolving the SDE Reversal case and the
preparation of agenda meetings with BSNL management, where 15-20 out of 25
points were resolved beforehand, and earning appreciation from management. He also explained SNEA's handling of
the 22820 case, with GS SNEA visiting the Department of Telecommunications
(DOT) over 200 times to address E2, E3, and 22820 issues, as well as pursue 3rd
PRC matters
Shri. Aslesh, CS SNEA Kerala, addressed the delegate session, expressing gratitude towards the
CHQ leadership for SNEA's impressive 52% vote share out of 15,020 votes. He acknowledged
the efforts of CHQ in resolving long-pending HR issues, such as SDE reversal
and mobile handset reimbursement. He emphasized the need for promotions in
various cadres and appealed to CHQ for early resolutions on standard pay scale,
22820, and 3rd PRC. In conclusion, he stressed the importance of unity among
all associations to resolve pending issues, promoting a collaborative approach
to address the challenges faced by BSNL employees
Shri. K Sebastin, Former General
Secretary SNEA CHQ addressed the gathering, commending
victory of SNEA in the 3rd Membership
Verification. He considered this a significant accomplishment, granting CHQ
full authority to negotiate the best possible terms. He expressed optimism
about BSNL's revival, citing the ongoing 4G rollout and the reversal of earlier
trends. He noted that issues are being resolved, and the organization is moving
Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA provided detailed responses to all the
queries raised by the delegates during the session, effectively clarifying
their doubts. His comprehensive answers demonstrated a thorough understanding
of the issues at hand, addressing concerns on various topics.
The SNEA Karnataka Circle body has undergone a significant
transformation, marking a new era for the organization. Following the completion
of the delegate session, Election Officers Shri. Anand Krishna B and Shri. Sadanand
Makkannavar were appointed to oversee the election process.
In an unanimous elections held thereafter, Shri S P Jagdale,
Shri. Ramesha B and Shri S Girish are respectively elected as Circle,
President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer of SNEA Karnataka Circle for
period 2024-2027 .Newly Elected Circle Body <<<>>>
Photos <<<>>>

AGM Estt.
BSNL CO issued Temporary transfer for a period of one year of Three JTOs in
Telecom wing on medical/ spouse working grounds under Rule 9 of BSNL Transfer
Policy. Copy<<<>>
Its good
that Estt Section is issuing Rule 9 transfers as are being received from field
units with recommendations of Circle Head. Some more requests are also under
Conveys thanks to Shri. S.P. Singh, PGM Estt and his team of Estt
Section for kind consideration of these genuine requests.
AGM Estt BSNL CO issued letter addressed to all Circle/Units Heads of BSNL for
submission of online Certificate for Personal Upgradation Allowance window will
be open from 12/03/2025 to 24/03/2025. Copy<<<>>
A window
for submitting self-certification regarding expenditure of Personal Upgradation
Allowance for purchasing books, journals etc., at the end of every financial year
to regularize the payment of PUA for the financial year ending 31/03/2025 is
made available in ESS portal.
window will be open from 12/03/2025 to 24/03/2025 for all BSNL working
executives and it is mandatory to each one to submit his/her option.
If anybody
fails to submit the option in given time, he will not be eligible and will not
get Professional Upgradation Allowance (PUA) during Year 2025-26 which is 2% of
basic of individual.
appeals all executives to submit self-certificates in given time and latest by
24/03/2025 and avoid any last minute complications/issues and please do not
miss 2% of PUA available to you.
BSNL CO issued urgent remainder letter to all Circle Heads regarding updating APAR
Entry, Completion of pending APARs in SAP/ERP for missing online APARs Annexure-I
and offline APARs of executives Annexure-II for the period 2010-2011 onwards of
all SDEs/AOs. Copy<<<>>
The Compliance
report with required certificates if any are to be given within day i.e. by
12/03/2025 today.
Shri A.
Robert J. Ravi, CMD BSNL writes to all Circle Heads regarding updating of DoT period leave
encashment data in ERP-SAP i.r.o. all BSNL absorbed employees for submission of
reimbursement claim to DoT so that dues pending with DoT can be claimed in this
year. Copy<<<>>
This is very
important activity as compared to loss and profit of BSNL which has direct
impact on the Implementation of third Pay Revision and hence all CS are
requested to look into this issue personally and see that the work of updating
of DoT period leave of all absorbed employees is completed by 23/03/2025.