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Current Events       Last Updated on 22.02.2025 - 12:06 PM


AGM Estt. BSNL CO issued Temporary transfer for a period of one year of Four JTOs in Telecom wing on medical/spouse working grounds under Rule 9 of BSNL Transfer Policy. Copy<<<>> 

SNEA Conveys thanks to Shri. S.P. Singh PGM Estt and his team of Estt Section for kind consideration of these genuine requests.  



AGM DPC BSNL CO writes remainders to concern Circle Heads regarding Screening Committee Report and Vigilance Clearance for conducting CPC for JTO(T) to SDE(T) promotion under SCF quota i.r.o PwBDs candidate. Copy<<<>> 

Few Circles had submitted partial data and many Circles have not yet furnished the information and now the Circles have to furnish the requisite details by 21/02/2025.


AGM Estt BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding extension of online window for exercising option in ERP-ESS portal for two days from 18/02/2025 to 19/02/2025 of GTI for BSNL Executives and Non-Executives. Copy<<<>>

No separate online window to withdraw option will be available due to paucity of time and option exercised during this extended window will be final.  


SNEA CHQ submitted the detailed suggestions and comments for changes required in Draft Transfer Policy and requested to incorporate all suggestions by framing separate and exclusive Transfer Policy for Executives.  Copy<<<>>  


Submission of SNEA before Committee for resolution of issues in AGM Reversal in 147 Case: As per call given by Jt GM Pers DPC BSNL CO, SNEA, the recognized Representative Majority Association was called for discussions and submission on 147 AGM Reversal Case on 04/02/2025.

From Management side this meeting was attended by Mrs. Anita Johri, PGM Pers BSNL CO, Shri J. P. Choudhary, GM Legal BSNL CO, Shri. O.N. Tiwari, Jt GM Pers DPC, Shri. G. P. Vishnoi, DGM Pers-II, Shri. Shailendra Yadav, AGM DPC, Shri Ranjeet Kumar AGM DPC SM BSNL CO.

From SNEA side Shri. Sushil Tripathi, CS SNEA UPE and Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA participated in the meeting and submitted views of SNEA on this critical issue.

At the outset, PGM Pers explained purpose of meeting, deliberated on the constitution of the committee, and asked for points justifying our demand for resolution of this issue on specific grounds.

We conveyed thanks to PGM SR BSNL CO for initiatives of BSNL Management for constituting the Committee for resolution of this long pending issue created due to misinterpretation of guidelines on the subject.

We submitted that as directed by BSNL the affected executives have appeared qualifying cum competitive examination and have successfully completed it and were promoted as SDE.

Then the issue of seniority upgradation was initiated by BSNL Management and not by the Executives and seniority was upgraded by Management. Accordingly, these executives were promoted as SDE, then AGM and DGM as per BSNL orders and these executives have followed these orders.

But later the dispute created by management by upgradation of seniority before year 1990, was taken to court by some affected executives and issues were decided by different courts as per the submission of applicants and BSNL.

The different courts have given different directions on this subject as per submission in the court and finally BSNL management has reverted these executives from DGM to SDE for no mistake on part of these executives. Now about all are reverted executives are again promoted as AGMs and only issue remains is reviewing their seniority in AGM Cadre.

On the concern raised by these executive on reversion as SDE,  these executives have taken up matter to the court and finally Honorable court has given directions to follow the procedure and same has been followed by the management.

It is good that Management has now constituted committee for deciding this issue, definitely main intention is to settle the grievances, and we are hopeful for the same

We submitted detailed representation on this subject and elaborated that this issue needs to be decided with positive approach and in tune with steps taken by BSNL for conducting LICE to promoting them as DGM. We have mainly submitted following in support of restoration of AGM seniority of Executives in 147 case.

· It clear that we do not agree for the fixation of seniority to the years before their recruitment/eligibility but the seniority should be fixed for which the LICE was conducted and these executives are and were eligible.

· BSNL has already taken action for restoration of seniority of some of similarly placed executives and it is required from BSNL that proactive steps should be taken by similar action for restoration similarly placed executives.

·      BSNL should either go ahead with its actions wherein no dispute is raised at this stage as after VRS there is much change is scenario and the executives whose seniority was affected due to the revision of seniority in this case has now lost the impact and hence matter needs to be resolved.

· CMD BSNL has appealed for reducing number of court cases by discussing with applicants and this is case which fits in the criteria proposed by CMD BSNL.

· Many of the executives who were affected by the upgraded seniority and were aggrieved by it have either opted for VRS or retired on superannuation.

· Management has already promoted the partial executives and in natural justice, all affected should be promoted and partial action on part makes it clear that there is base in the say of these executives.

Committee members asked views of SNEA if after restoration of seniority these Executives will be posted at the Top of the AGMs who are waiting for their DGM Promotions and also Honourable Supreme Court has not given any directions to restore seniority and has only directed to follow the procedure in the reversal case.

We responded that the seniority should be fixed as per the Rules and eligibility so that no further dispute is created.  Many of the executives who were affected by the upgraded seniority and were aggrieved by it have either opted for VRS or retired on superannuation and management should take care of seniority issue if any such issues is left.

On say of directions of Supreme Court, we have submitted that BSNL has issued promotion order for some of the similarly affected executives even when there is no directions from Supreme Court, then there should not be any issue in promoting or refaxing seniority of these executives also. 

In conclusion, PGM Pers/SR/RSTG BSNL informed that committee has noted the submission by SNEA and assured to take decision on basis of valuable feedback of SNEA. She further requested to submit views in writing also and accordingly, SNEA has submitted views on this subject in writing also. Copy<<<>>


Final call on Restoration of OA Level Bodies of Recognised Associations: DGM SR BSNL CO issued orders for implementation of order for restoration of OA level Bodies including Circle Office Bodies and making entries in ERP/ESS about the elected Bodies of the recognised Associations at all levels. Copy<<<>> 

This is final call on restoration of OA level Bodies and its pending entries in ERP/ESS and all have to respond it positively.

This OA level bodies including Circle Office Bodies will strengthen functioning of Associations as the all District/OA level bodies will be restored now and its entry will be made in ESS/ERP.

This is one more good gesture by BSNL Management headed by Shri A Robert J Ravi, CMD BSNL

SNEA conveys sincere thanks to Dr Kalyan Sagar Nippani, Director HR BSNL Board, Mrs. Anita Johri, PGM Pers BSNL CO and her team of SR and ERP section for resolution of this issue pending for last two years and giving relief to OA Level including Circle Office Bearers with due recognition of Association bodies at all levels.

Highlights of this Order: The following is implemented in the ERP system to facilitate immunity at OA level/BA level.

·       Formation of OA level body as PSA level (Personal Sub Area), in which OB will be from the same PSA.

·       At the Circle Office also there will be PSA level body in which 0Bs will be from the Circle Office only.

·       Existing BA level body will continue with a change that OB's will be from co-located PSA's (Posted in the BA office)

·       BA level and OA level bodies will be treated at the same level for the purpose of immunity.

·       All other level bodies like circle body and CHQ body shall continue as before.

·       To facilitate the pending/incomplete entries of OBs in the PSA level bodies for the purpose of immunity in ERP System, the current restrictions of entry of new Body in ERP within one month at BA level and one year at circle level has been relaxed up to 30/04/2025.

All DS and CS are specifically requested to check whether entry of their body is made ERP/EES by BA/Circle Offices and if not made, the same should be taken up with respective offices. After this date 30/04/2025, the pending entries of Bodies in ERP/ESS will not be possible.

If entries of OBs of the Bodies are not made in ERP/ESS, then the facility of immunity will not be granted and hence all OBs at all levels have to take care and see that entry of their respective level bodies are made in ERP in given time i.e. old pending entries as of today should be made latest by 30/04/2025.

It may be further seen that whenever election of New Body takes place at OA/BA level, entry is to be made within one month from date of election and if entries not completed within months period , then powers of entries will be  with Circle administration for period of one year.  


AGM Estt BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding extension of online window for exercising option in ERP-ESS portal for two days from 14/02/2025 to 15/02/2025 of GTI for BSNL Executives and Non-Executives for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01/03/2025. Copy<<<>> 

Till now 13300 Executive out of about 28500 total Executives and 5652 out of total about 28000 Non-Executives have opted for GTI and total is less than 19000 and last year the same was more than 20000 and hence this special two days extension is issues so that more and more executives and Non-Executives opt for it.

Very unfortunate in spite of several request reminders are also our friends are ignorant and not serious about their family security.

It is disheartening that in in total 37 Death cases of Executives and 226 Death Cases of Non Executives reported during from 01/03/2024 to 31/01/2025, only 27 cases of Executives and only 52 cases of Non Executives  were covered under  GTI and the respective  family members got certain financial from this GTI Policy. But due to non-opting to GTI, the  family members of Ten Executives and 174 Non-Executives passed away during last year could not get any such Financial support as suffered and suffering further.

One individual earning member of family is  the security for the family for life time but in his/her permanent absence due to any unforeseen reason, the family members are suffering a lot.

Present Premium is Rs 9500 only it comes Rs 30 per day for executives with age less than 50 and Rs 130 per day for age above 50 and this is small amount as compared to support we get in an unfortunate circumstances.

SNEA appeals all the executives in general and members in particular to opt for GTI and ensure financial security to your family in case of any unfortunate and unforeseen situation in life.


Update on Restoration of Second Saturday as Closed Holiday: AGM Estt BSNLCO issued clarification about observing closed holiday in field units on Second Saturday of every month. Copy<<< >> Copy<<<>> Copy<<<>>

The guidelines on observing second Saturday as closed holiday in field units were issued in 22/09/2011 and since then same were followed without any complaints.

But while implementing the Online attendance system, the disputes were created and some offices/officers were allowed to avail the second Saturday and it was withdrawn in case of certain executives/staff working in field units.

Disparity was created among the executives in same section as certain Executives and Non-Executives working in Planning, Admn etc., sections were allowed to avail second Saturday and other Executives as we well as Non-Executives were compelled to work with same duty hours.

Some of Circle Heads like then CGM Kolkata TD has twisted issue to the extent that the closed holiday on second Saturday was withdrawn by issuing official order and nobody from Kolkata TD was allowed the Second Saturday as closed Holiday.

Though CGM for Kolkata and WB Circle was same for good time, the total work force in Kolkata Telephones have to attend the office on second Saturday and the Executives and Non-Executives in same building /complex from WB Circle under the same CGM, were allowed and closed holiday on Second Saturday.

Similarly unofficially the second Saturday was not allowed/withdrawn to all OA Offices including OA Heads and they were compelled to work on Second Saturday.

It is important that the Executives/Non Executives in the OA offices were also not allowed second Saturday.

During implementation of online attendance, in forceful action, the second Saturday which was available for some of Executives/Non Executives was withdrawn in back door attempt.

This issue was taken up by SNEA, discussed in different meetings with them PGM Estt, Director HR BSNL Board and in last formal agenda meeting and it was assured for resolution of issue.

In agenda meeting, we have demanded for allowing Second Saturday as closed holiday for all Offices in field units by making duty hours equal for all the field units and it was assured for the same.

Now, this order is issued for restoration of the Second Saturday as was available as per letter dated 22/09/2011 restoring Second Saturday for all Executives in Kolkata Telephones, Certain Executives in BA offices, OA Heads as was available in SSA structure as erstwhile SSAs are redesignated as OAs.

Further, there is demand for allowing Second Saturday as closed Holiday for all as till the disparity continues as duty hours for executives availing second Saturday as closed holiday and executives not having second Saturday as closed Holiday are same i. e. 1000 Hrs to 1730 Hrs and there is demand for either allowing for second Saturday equally for all or allowing one Compensatory Off in lieu of Second Saturday or for reducing duty hours accordingly.

Since 2011, there are many changes adopted in the working pattern of BSNL and there is need of making certain changes in the Order dated 22/09/2011 and in our persuasion with different officers and the same has been agreed but any changes in policy will be decided and approved by the Management Committee which needs deep review and will take some time more.

Hence as immediate response, the relief is granted to the Executives and Non-Executives who were denied Second Saturday without any orders from BSNL CO due to wrong interpretation of the orders for Second Saturday as well as orders for restructuring of SSA /BA working pattern by certain BA/Circle Heads.

 SNEA has pursued this demand of Second Saturday for last two years at different level and there was total reluctance on part of Management at earlier stage but now we are partially successful in restoration of Second Saturday as closed holiday for affected executives /Non Executives and we will continue our keen pursuation for allowing Second Saturday as closed holiday equally for all executives in field units or allowing one Compensatory Off per month in lieu of Second Saturday. Let us hope for the best.

This partial success by restoration of Second Saturday as closed Holiday is possible due to positive approach by present BSNL management towards HR issues of Executives and even partial resolution of such issues will give confidence to Executives that nowadays Management is considerate on their issues.

SNEA conveys sincere thanks and gratitude to Shri A. Robert J Ravi, CMD BSNL, Dr Kalyan Sagar Nippani, Director HR BSNL Board, Shri. S. P. Singh, PGM Estt BSNL CO and his team of Establishment section for resolution of this issue partially and giving relief to the affected Executives as well Non-executives and we are confident in similar manner the remaining executives also will be allowed closed Holiday on Second Saturday. 


DGM Admin & PR BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding the assignment of quarterly Target for empanelment of new hospitals to Circles for increasing number of hospitals under BSNL MRS. Copy<<<>>

As per letter, the circles are requested to take necessary actions for the empanelment of hospitals @ at least one hospital per OA on Cash/Credit facility basis so that employees may avail healthcare services in their OA of posting and Director HR BSNL Board is personally monitoring the progress.

Though such guidelines and instructions are issued by BSNL CO time to time and followed with proactive actions by some of Circles, but the same are not adhered by some of Circles and even no single hospitals are empaneled.

All CS are requested to look into this issue and take up issues with Circle Heads for the empanelment of hospitals @ at least one hospital per OA on Cash/Credit facility basis and get more and more hospitals empaneled by BSNL for better medical options for BSNL workforce. 


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued retention in Inter Circle Transfer of SDEs(T) on immunity grounds as per REA Rules 2014. Copy<<<>>

SNEA conveys sincere thanks to Dr Kalyan Sagar Nippani, Director HR BSNL Board, Mrs. Anita Johri, PGM Pers BSNL CO and her team of Pers section for kind consideration of request for grant of immunity as Office Bearers of the Recognised Association. 


DGM EW BSNL CO writes issued Post based reservation roster registers of Selection cum Seniority and LICE in the grade of AGM/EE Elect and DMs/SDEs Elect for the period of 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024. Copy<<<>> Copy<<<>>


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued  orders for lifting ban on deputation of BSNL executives for post outside BSNL i.e.  in State/Central Government Departments and other State/CPSUs. Copy<<<>>

There was ban on any deputation outside BSNL and only 130 executives were permitted for deputation to DoT units.

This issue was taken by SNEA and we have successfully convinced to Management but was not agreed by them CMD BSNL stating there is shortage of executives.

It was unfortunate that Management was ready to VRS for thousands of executives but not ready to allow deputation wherein the financial burden of BSNL will be reduced.

We have taken up this issue with new CMD BSNL after continuous persuasion now the proposal has been approved by BSNL Management committee and this formal order is issued.

It is good that deputation is now allowed without any capping and all willing executives can explorer the opportunities for career progression through Deputation to different Govt Departments and PSUs and get better opportunities to extent of scope of their talent.

There are certain issues like only two applications will be forwarded in year and capping on account wing executives etc., and we will pursue for relaxing these conditions in genuine cases or as policy decision.

SNEA conveys sincere thanks and gratitude to Shri A. Robert J Ravi, CMD BSNL, Dr Kalyan Sagar Nippani, Director HR BSNL Board, All other Director of BSNL Board, Mrs. Anita Johari, PGM Estt BSNL CO and her team for allowing the deputation to outside BSNL and given opportunity to explore their talent.

Thus present Management has started taking some Executive oriented decision and  we all will have to respond it positively by contributing more and more towards growth and development of BSNL.

In similar approach other issues like revision of TA/DA, Extension of Laptop Policy to filed units, Transport allowance, Promotions for filling all vacant posts are in pipeline and we are hopeful for such positive decision on all such issues in coming days. 


GM Tech ALTTC Ghaziabad writes to all Circle Heads conveying schedule and seat allotment of JTO Phase-1 Induction Training under LICE for promotion to the grade of JTO Telecom & JTO Telecom Factory and this ten weeks training will commence w.e.f. 10/03/2025.   Copy<<<>>  


Update on E5 to E7 Court Case at CAT Delhi: The hearing in the court case filed by SNEA CHQ on approval of E-7 Pay scales for BSNL Executives was scheduled on 05/02/2025. But hearing could not take place as BSNL Advocate was not present even on second call. The next date of hearing is  06/05/2025.  


AGM Estt BSNL CO endorsed DoPT Orders for increase in IDA by 4.3 % w.e.f. 01/01/2025.  Copy<<<>>  


SNEA Pays Homage to Hero of BSNL Executives, Late Shri. W. Seshagiri Rao, the Visionary Leader: In a special meeting arranged in the office of SNEA CHQ at 230, Eastern Court, Janpath New Delhi, the leaders of SNEA from BSNL Corporate Office, SNEA CNTx New Delhi paid respectful Homage to the Visionary leaders and Hero of BSNL Executives Late Shri W. Seshagiri Rao ,on this 9th Death Anniversary. PHOTOS <<<>>


AGM Estt BSNL CO issued letter calling for Online Options through ESS/ERP for renewal/new entries for the existing GTI Policy for Executives and Non-Executives by BSNL with  LIC. Copy<<<>>

As per letter, the ESS window for submission of options for renewal/new entries of this GTI Policy is open from 07/02/2025 and will be closed on 13/02/2025.

There is no autorenewal of Policy and one has to opt for the same otherwise he/she will be excluded from the existing GTI Policy after 01/03/2025.

The withdrawal of option will be available only to new Entrants for two days on 14/02/2025 and 15/02/2025 and withdrawal of options submitted for Renewal of GTI Policy is not possible.  

It is cleverly mentioned that there will be no change in the terms and conditions for existing members even though in the meeting it was decided the same policy will be applicable to new entrants also. It was proposed by LIC and conveyed by PGM Admn that GTI claim will not be approved in case of suicidal death and same was opposed by us and it was finally agreed to continue GTI Policy with same terms and conditions for existing as well as new Members.

We will take up matter again and update members accordingly, but new entrants are requested to keep in mind this clause that there will be certain changes in GTI Policy for new Entrants which are not clear as on today and hence one should submit fresh option as new entrant to GTI Policy by keeping in mind this clause.

The GTI premium amount will be deducted from the Salary of February 2025 in one instalment and the proposal for payment of premium in Instalments is not agreed due to short of time.  

It is fact that LIC is delaying proposals to the extent that there is no scope for making changes in the GTI Policy and it is compulsory to renew the policy and unfortunately it is directly or indirectly supported by Admn section BSNL CO.

We have already taken up this issue and it has been assured to take advance steps for renewal or new GTI Policy for BSNL Executives.  

As seen in some individual cases in the past, the support of GTI in case of any unforeseen happening with Executives/Employees is important and we appeal all the executives to analyse the GTI Policy, understand its importance and accordingly opt for GTI Policy in given time. The joining of more and more members will strengthen GTI policy and will further support our demand for reduction of GTI Premium rates.  


DGM Admn/PR BSNL CO issued minutes of the Meeting of Committee members and Leaders of Association/Unions on renewal of Group Term Insurance (GTI) for executives as well as Non-Executives.   Copy<<<>>


Update on Meeting of Renewal of GTI Policy for BSNL Executives/ Non-Executives: As notified by Admn Section  the Meeting for negotiations cum discussions for renewal of existing BSNL Group Term Insurance Policy was held at Fourth Floor, Committee Meeting Hall, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi on 06/02/2025.

The meeting was Presided over by Shri Sanjeev Tyagi, PGM Admin BSNL CO and from management side it was attended by Shri. Rajeev Singh,  PGM CA BSNL CO,  Shri Rajeev Sharma, DGM Admn/PR and Mrs. Rupmala, AGM Admn BSNL CO. PGM Pers and PGM Estt who are other Members of the Committee, could not attend this meeting. 

This meeting was attended by the representatives of recognized Associations i.e. SNEA AIGETOA and recognized Unions i.e. BSNLEU NFTE BSNL.

From SNEA, this meeting was specially attended by Mrs. Anu Agrawal, CP SNEA Delhi,  Shri. Satya Sasidhar M, AGS  SNEA CHQ and Shri M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA.

The meeting started with welcome by DGM Admn/PR BSNL CO, who further gave a brief idea about the quotes received from LIC. He informed the house that already internal discussions between management and LIC has been done and LIC has agreed to continue the policy at the same rates of 2024 for both executives and non-executives.

However he added that LIC has informed condition that GTI claim will not be admissible in case of suicide case and these rates are subject to joining 30000 members in policy by opting for the renewal or join the GTI policy a fresh.

The leaders of all Associations/Unions present in the meeting submitted their views. We proposed that the GTI claim amount should be flexible from Rs 25 Lakhs to Rs. One Crore and one should be able to opt for flexible amount of Rs 25 Lakh, Rs 50 Lakh, Rs 75 Lakhs and Rs One Crore. We also suggested certain changes in the existing policy viz. uniform coverage for all employees, regardless of their age, the minimum coverage should be 25 lakh, fully paid for by the company, employees can choose to purchase additional coverage at their own cost, reduce the premium as Individual Term Insurance Policy is available at lower rates etc.

But same was not given consideration by Officers in Admn Section stating that any changes in policy will take time and this GTI policy may discontinue and existing members may not get benefits out of it.

We informed that if this GTI policy is continued at same rates, it is welcome by association but any restrictions as proposed by LIC are not acceptable. We added that if LIC is making any changes in policy , the suggestions from Associations/Unions should also incorporated and GTI policy should be made user friendly and maximum benefits should be passed to Executives/ Employees opting for it. We requested that either  we should continue the existing GTI policy at same rates and the same terms & conditions or it should be negotiated further for better options.  

Further, we requested for deduction of GTI Premium in instalments but it was informed that as GTI Claim starts from day One of premium payment, same needs to be paid in full and hence instalments not possible.

We proposed that BSNL should pay the Premium in advance and the same may be deducted from his/her salary at later stage in instalments as decided. DGM Admn assured to look into it and take up matter with LIC for two instalments.

PGM CA advised us that for advance payment of instalments, the matter cannot be decided by the committee and may be taken with Higher Management.

We also expressed displeasure over the delay in settlement of GTI claims and non-settlement of few cases by M/s  LIC for months together. As an immediate response, officers in Admn section have interaction with officers in Estt Section and called for details of all such pending cases and assured to settle all such pending claims at the earliest.

We also requested to fix timeline to LIC to settlement of claims, but it was informed that the GTI claims are settled without delay by LIC when claims are submitted with all supporting documents and delays are on part of BSNL. But DGM Admn assured to look into it and take up matter within BSNL as well as with LIC so that claims are settled in given time frame.

In conclusion, it was decided unanimously that the existing GTI policy  may be renewed on the  same rates and the same Term Conditions and next year early action will be taken for incorporating suggestions given by Associations/Unions. The meeting concluded with Vote of thanks by DGM Admn BSNL CO.