Important ↣ Seniority and DPC ↣ DPC ↣ STS regular

Vigilance clearance for AGM regular promotion 150714
Updation of data in respect of Joining on promotions from SDE to DE in 2018 on regular basis reg 18-09-19
Vacancy year 2012-2013 - VC required
VC for DE Regular promotion 08-10-12
Vacancy 2011-12 VC expiring cases
STS promotion on regular basis - Pending VCs reg 06-02-14
STS Regular - VC pending as on 16-09-14
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list 06-06-18
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list Annexure II 06-06-18
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list Annexure I 06-06-18
Requirement of APAR shown certificate of SDEs - Adhoc DEs for AGM regular promotion reg 220715
Requirement of APARs from 2011-2015 with disclosure certificate of all working AGM DEs Regular - Reg 31-10-16
Requirement of ACRs for STS - AGM regular promotin 09-12-13
Requierment of Screening Committee Report (SCR) in respect of all OC Category SDEs (Telecom) in List 8 - reg 20-07-18
Regular promotion order to STS grade (16 Cases) 04-10-13
Regular Promotion to the Executives in DE of Telecom operation - 55 cases 13-11-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS 09-09-13
Regular Promotion in the grade of STS ( 39 cases) - 01-01-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS 05-03-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS - Corrigenda
Regular Promotion in the grade of STS - Two executives 25-06-14
Regular Promotion in the Grade of STS - Corrigenda 22-05-13
Regular promotion in DE - Cancellation order reg 17-04-13
Regular Promotion and posting of the Executives in the grade of AGM on regular basis regarding 16-08-18
Regular DE promotion order 30-10-17
Regular DE promotion order - 3 cases 17-12-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 19-11-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 18-11-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 20-11-13
Regular DE promotion - VC reg 28-11-13
Regular STS promotion - Backlog vaccancies reg
Providing DOJ of DE - AGM regular on regurar basis and SCR reg 22-06-18
Providing DOJ of DE - AGM regular on regurar basis and SCR reg - List 22-06-18
Promotion to the grade of regular DE for vaccancy 2011-2012- Schedule for circles for submission of ACRs 01-05-13
Promotion to the grade of STS TF - Modification reg 03-08-18
Promotion from Adhoc DE - SDE - SR SDE to Regular STS - Cov lr 16-08-13
Promotion Orders in the grade of DE Regular dated 26-06-18 - Conclusion or Cease of promotion order 27-02-19
Preparatory work for the promotion to Regular AGM - DE on regular basis - Details and Screen committee report - Reminder 04-11-16
Promotion from Adhoc DE - SDE - SR SDE to Regular STS - List 16-08-13
Promotion to DE Telecom grade on regular basis - Calling for APARs reg 28-04-14
Proforma promotion in the grade of AGM reg 14-11-18
Proforma Promotion in lhe grade ol AGM (Telecom) in BSNL - reg 08-08-18
Preparatory work for promotion to AGMDE(T) on regular basis - ACR requirement 24-06-14
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM on regular basis and requirement of ACRs 23-07-14
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis -Annexure II 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis -Annexure I 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis - regarding Screening Committee report 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - Corrected List 6 and 7 - 23-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - Cov lr 21-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - List 6 and 7 - 21-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE(T) on Regular - Adhoc basis- Reminder reg 10-11-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE T on Regular - Adhoc basis - Not traceable list reg 31-07-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE T on Regular - Adhoc basis - Not traceable list 31-07-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE (T) on Reg- Adh basis - Reminder reg 26 SCR not received cases - List 13-11-17
Preparatory work for AGM regular promotion - Screening committee report 06-10-2016
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE (T) on Reg - Adh basis - Reminder reg 26 SCR not received cases 13-11-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE on regular - adhoc basis- calling of VC for Seniority List no 7 reg 28-11-16
Preparatory work for ensuing CPC for promotion from SDEs - Adhoc DEs to Regular DEs - Updating APAR - Instructions 16-06-16
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion reg - List number 7 - 16-03-17
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion reg - List number 6 - 16-03-17
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion - Screening Committee report reg 16-03-17
Preparation for e-DPC - requirement of Screening committee report & APARs of AGM reg 01-03-17
Preparation for e-DPC Rqquirement of Screening committee report & APARs of all regular DEs reg 28-06-17
Preparation for e-DPC -Requirement of APARs of all AGM DES working on regular basis reg 20-11-17
Preparation for e-DPC -Requirement of APARs of all AGM DES working on regular basis - List 20-11-17
Preparation for e-DPC - Requirement of SCR and APAR of all AGM - DEs working on regular basis - reg Cov lr 10-10-17
Preparation for e-DPC - list of AGM(Regular) working as on date and Screening Committee report-reg 20-07-18
Preparation for e-DPC - list of AGM(Regular) working as on date and Screening Committee report-reg List 20-07-18
Preparation for e-DPC - Requirement of SCR and APAR of all AGM - DEs working on regular basis - List 10-10-17
Joining - Relieving of officers on promotion to AGM (T) Regular - Clarification reg 07-08-18
Furnishing VC for DE Regular Promotion reg 15-10-14
Final regular AGM list - Deletion from the list 03-01-13
DE-Regular Promotion - Corrigenda 08-11-13
DE Regular260814
DE Regular VC pending as on 09-07-14
DE Regular Promotion reg 13-04-16
DE Regular VC not received as on 01-08-14
DE Regular promotion order for left out cases 20-07-18
DE Regular promotion order- Corrigendum reg 01-11-17
DE Regular promotion order for 7 cases 11-02-14
DE Regular promotion order - Four cases 06-12-13
DE Regular promotion order - one case 06-12-13
DE Regular promotion order - Corrigenda 06-12-13
DE REGULAR Promotion order - 5cases 01-04-14
DE Regular Promotion order - Correction reg 21-11-13
DE Regular promotion from Deputy manger reg 06-10-17
DE Regular promotion 10-01-13
DE regular promotion 29-07-15
DE regular promotion - two cases reg 04-06-14
DE Regular promotion - Requirement of APAR and VC reg 26-12-14
DE regular promotion - requirement of ACRs reg 11-07-14
DE regular Promotion - Missing ACR 52 cases reg 14-02-14
DE Regular promotion - One case reg 04-06-14
DE Regular promotion - ACR pending cases 27-08-14
DE Regular Promotion - ACR required cases in AP MH NETF NTP TN UPE and UPW circles reg 05-02-14
DE Regular promotion - ACR - Annexure B
DE Regular promotion - ACR - Annexure A
DE Regular promotion - 2011-12 vacancy - VC pending
DE Regular promotion - 2 cases 08-11-13
DE Regular Annexure A
DE Promotion order - Cancellation due to refusal reg 28-09-18
DE Telecom promotion - Discrepancies in DoB - HR No - Staff No Circle etc - instructions to circle reg 30-07-18
Date of Joining of AGMs - DEs on Adhoc and Regular basis reg 08-11-16
DE on Regular basis - Annexure A B C 02-09-13
Convening of CPC for AGM or equivalent grade - Change in composition of CPC reg 24-12-20
Date of joining as Regular DE - reg 22-03-13
Collection of ACRs for preparatory work to future STS regular promotions reg 22-03-13
Cancellation of Regular Promotion in the Grade of STS 22-05-13
Cancellation of regular promotion in the grade of STS 20-03-13
Cancellation of promotion order from SDE (T) to AGM (T) Regular -reg 08-08-18
Cancellation of DE Promotion order due to change in seniority list reg 30-08-18
Cancellalion ot promotion order in the cadre of SDE (T) fo AGM (T) Regular due to change in SDE (T) seniority list reg 25-07-18
AGM regular promotion 21-09-16
APAR shown cer - Annexure 22-07-15
AGM TF promotion on regular basis reg 24-10-18
AGM Regular Promotion -Furnishing of ACRs for untraceable officers - Last call 30-07-14
AGM regular Promotion - Un-assessed and Untraceable executive of list 5 6 7 and 8- Publication of data reg LIST 02-08-18
AGM Regular promotion - VC pending status
AGM Regular promotion - Updating data in ERP reg 09-12-19
AGM regular Promotion - Un-assessed and Untraceable executive of list 5 6 7 and 8- Publication of data reg 02-08-18
AGM Regular promotion - Shri George Vargheese 22-12-16
AGM regular promotion - Requirement of pending ACRs for DPC 20-12-13
AGM regular promotion - Requirement of APARs reg 03-01-14
AGM Regular promotion - Refusal o promotion reg 28-11-17
AGM regular promotion - APAR of Untraceable officers reg 27-01-14
AGM regular promotion - One case reg 01-08-16
AGM Regular promotion - Furnishing APAR ACR for untraceable officers 09-07-14
AGM regualar promotion (3 cases) 28-04-14
AGM Regular Promotion - APAR for DPC - Reminder 18-09-15
AGM Promotion order - One case reg 30-08-18
AGM Promotion order - Refusal reg 15-11-18
AG - DE promotion preparatory work - Calling for VC - Reminder 06-12-16
AGM promotion order - One case 04-03-2016
AGM Promotion on regular basis Tecom factory sream reg 28-12-15
AGM Adhoc - Regular promotion - SCR not received cases list 10-11-17
AGM Adhoc - Regular Date of joining pending cases reg 9-03-16
AGM - DE regular promotion - Date of joining reg
Adhoc DE to Regular DE promotion for 470 cases and 12 cases - 2009-10 vacancy year - 25-10-13
Adhoc STS to Regular promotion 29-10-12
Adhoc DE to regular STS - VC pending cases
Adhoc DE to regular DE promotion - 3 cases 25-10-13
Adhoc DE to regular DE promotion - 4 cases 28-11-13
Adhoc DE - Sr SDE to Regular DE Promotion - 15 cases 15-01-14
ACRs for the promotion of DE T on regular basis for probable vaccancy year 2010-11 - Preparatory work reg
ACRs for promotion to DE T on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 reg
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 Annexure B - 18-09-13
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 - Excel format 18-09-13
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 - 18-09-13
Acceptance of refusal of AGM Promotion reg 01-11-18