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Current Events       Last Updated on 27.07.2024 - 01:12 PM


Majority Associations/Unions of BSNL together Welcomes New CMD BSNL and demand for  Singe Demand of Third PRC/ Wage revision Implementation: The meeting of leaders of the Major Associations and Unions in BSNL was held on 23/07/2024 wherein discussions were held on the burning issues of the executives and Non-Executives of BSNL. This meeting was attended by the leaders of SNEA, AIGETOA,  BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, SEWA BSNL, AIBSNLEA and BTTU.

All together have analyzed the situation and decided to go ahead with a single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage to overcome the suffering of the entire workforce of BSNL.

It was also decided to have a welcome meeting with new CMD BSNL to give him a warm welcome, to extend support from all Associations and Unions and raise a single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage revision for minimum level of motivation of the BSNL workforce. 

Accordingly, on 24/07/2024, the leaders of these Associations and Unions had a meeting with the new CMD BSNL Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, wherein all together gave a warm welcome with a beautiful Bouquet and a special book.  We conveyed our total support to CMD BSNL for his assignment as CMD BSNL.

In reciprocation, CMD BSNL conveyed thanks for such warm welcome from different Associations and Unions together. He expressed his commitment to lead BSNL towards growth and success in a time bound manner. He appealed to all leaders to convey the message to entire workforce of BSNL that we all together have to achieve the Target of 25% Market Share Target by 2025. He shared that it is somewhat difficult but not impossible if we all put our energy together by all possible means. He added that the issues in 4G Services of BSNL are being sorted out and BSNL will surely be ready with 4G services within few months. He shared that we are working on 5G network also and very shortly BSNL will be providing 5G services. He added that due enhancement of tariffs by other operators, there is huge demand for BSNL SIM Cards and we have to reciprocate it by adding all the customers in the BSNL family.

CMD BSNL specially emphasized that BSNL is starting services in the MTNL area in Delhi and Mumbai also as there is huge potential. He added that serving these two cities is as good as giving services in 60-70 big cities. These services with 4G Equipments will give big strength to BSNL and generate the highest revenue across the India

Leaders of Unions and Associations in one voice requested CMD to take initiative to finalize the third PRC/ Wage Revision in BSNL. In response he added that he is aware of this issue and he had some discussions on this issue yesterday also. He asked some time from the leaders for further discussions. He was optimistic that with the great public response, support by Government of India and support of all executives and non-executives, BSNL will definitely achieve the goal of 25% Market share. We have to show some progress in this direction and the revenue curve of BSNL should start raising upwards with our united efforts. He firmly assured that this is a genuine issue and will be surely given consideration. He assured to have separate discussions on this issue with associations, but was firm on certain positive performance by BSNL before taking up this issue with the Government of India.

The leaders agreed to his concern and assured that whatever support required by BSNL management will be provided together by Associations/Unions. We further expressed that entire workforce is hopeful for certain positive steps from BSNL Management for giving confidence to the workforce of BSNL. CMD BSNL assured that all HR issues along with demand of Pay /Wage revision will be given consideration and appealed to keep focus on achieving the target of 25% Market share of BSNL by 2025.

We stated that the issues at DoT can be taken in the coming days but it is pathetic that Wage negotiation process had not been completed for the last seven years and we are compelled to work at salaries of Year 2007. We requested for his intervention so that the process of wage negotiation is started and then whatever decision is taken by DoT for Pay revision may be applied in wage revision. CMD BSNL gave patience hearing to it and after understanding the issues assured that if it is within BSNL it will be given consideration of priority.

CMD BSNL firmly told that BSNL will provide seamless 4G & 5G services all over India including MTNL area New Delhi and Mumbai within a short span and the workforce of MTNL also will be involved in this process. They will not be merged into BSNL but will work for BSNL services in the MTNL area and continue services till further decision.

In conclusion, CMD BSNL appealed to all staff to make concerted efforts for providing seamless service to BSNL customers. All leaders thanked CMD BSNL for the positive gesture and assured to provide full support. He expressed hope that with slight change in BSNL Revenue graph, management is open to settling the 3rd PRC as well as all the major issues related to Pay, Promotions and Pension of Employees.

The response from new CMD BSNL Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, on single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage revision was very positive and affirmative and we are hopeful that with his such positive leadership, BSNL will flourish and reach new heights and the due benefits of employees and executives will be passed on to them. This Meeting was held in a very enthusiastic and healthy atmosphere its good start for moving ahead on both the sides.

PHOTOs <<<>>>


SNEA CHQ writes to Director HR BSNL Board for restoration of Second Saturday Off for different Officers in the field units and administrative offices. Copy<<<>>>

This has been burning issue after implementation of online attendance system as some of the executives who were earlier eligible for Second Saturday off, are now denied it  and their duty hours are also not reduced to suitable extent and they are compelled to perform extra duties for no mistake on their part.

SNEA Requests to Director HR BSNL Board to look into this serious issue demotivating majority of the executives in BSNL and  restore the Second Saturday Off and give relief to these affected executives. As an alternative solutions in case, there is any issue in granting Second Saturday Off, we have requested to introduce One day C-Off for all such executives and Staff and such C-Off may be allowed to be avail in same Month or proceeding month/s on request of the individual.

After submission of this letter , we have discussed this issue with PGM Admin BSNL CO New Delhi and after understanding the concern raised by us, he assured to take up matter with Kerala Technical team dealing with the Online attendance system for immediate corrective action.  


SNEA CHQ writes to Director HR BSNL Board for consideration to the OTP Requests of all Executives who have completed two years as well as who will be completing two years and for consideration of the OTP requests of the executives even if they have not completed two years of service in the present working Circle  but have crossed the age limit of 57 years as per transfer policy. Copy<<<>>

Since the first time long stay transfers issued in 2022, now the first group of SDEs/AGMs who have joined transferred place of posting have completed and are completing two years minimum service for consideration of Own Cost Transfers. Same has been given consideration by some Non-Recruiting units like ITPC, BBNW,  CNTX and even SEA section of BSNL CO. Even Pers section BSNL CO also has given consideration of few requests on completion of two years service at transferred place, but same is not applied in all the cases wherein SDEs/AGMs who have applied for OTP Request transfers on completion of Two years and attaining age of 57 years and there is mass unrest among the executives who obediently followed long stay orders and joined at place of posting and now not given consideration for posting to choice/Home/Parent Circle.

The OTP request of all such executives applied in window of January 2024 have been rejected by the Pers section BSNL CO and hence it is required that all such willing executives have to submit fresh OTP Requests in the ESS window which is open till 31/07/2024.

SNEA has taken up this issue with BSNL Management and we are pursuing for consideration of all OTP Request transfers to choice/Home/Parent Circle. 


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued order for cancellation/modifications in Tenure Transfers of AGMs Telecom  wherein request for cancellation of considered OTP request of two AGMs is given consideration and request of four ACGMs for change of posted Circles is given consideration.  Copy<<<>>

All these genuine requests were pursued by SNEA as per feedback from CS/DS and SNEA conveys sincere thanks to Director HR, PGM Pers and his team for sympathetic consideration of these genuine requests.


DGM Admin BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding discontinuation of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees. Copy<<<>>

This policy was published by officers in Admn section BSNL against strong oppose by the recognized Associations and Unions due to high Premium and added stringent conditions than that of last year policy.

There was poor response from the executives and non-executives in BSNL due to high rates and stringent conditions and only 1550 employees have opted for it.

But the Oriental insurance company has refused to accept this policy as total number of members in this policy are less than 5000. It is important that this condition was not in the last year policy and this was added in this year and rates were also enhanced.

Except officers in Admn section, nobody was supporting stand of M/S Oriental insurance Company and due to such one sided attempt to force employers to pay at higher rates and accept the stringent conditions, these GHI Policy which was promoted by officers in Admn Section BSNL has been stopped by M/S oriental insurance Company.

This is wastage of three months exercise to bring a good and strong policy for BSNL employees.

By understanding all these actions and what will be final outcome of the biased attempts to go ahead with such one sided policy against oppose by Recognized Association/Unions,   the alternate GHI Policy proposal is made available with efforts of leaders and activist of SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL, has been made available and willing executives and Non-executives may go through this alternate option available and if think fit may opt for same.

We will continue our efforts for strengthen BSNL MRS Policy and all CS/DS are requested to check for availability of one cashless hospital in each BA as per instructions issued by Director HR BSNL Board. 


DGM Pers BSNL CO issued Promotion order of SDEs Telecom Factory wing wherein six SDE are promoted as AGM (TF) on regular basis and all are posted as it is where it is basis Copy<<<>>

Though there are some more vacancies but same could not be filled in due to non-availability of candidates under reserved category.

SNEA congratulates all these officers on their long awaited promotion and posting at same place and conveys best wishes for their grand success on promotional assignments.

SNEA conveys sincere thanks to Director HR, PGM Pers and his team of officers in Pers and Pres DPC section for issuing long awaited promotions and posting them where it is as it is basis.  


SNEA welcomes Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, New CMD BSNL: The delegation of SNEA, led by Shri. Vimal Raghunath, AGS SNEA CHQ consisting Shri. R. K. Gupta, GS DEWAB, Mrs. Anu Agarwal, CP SNEA BSNL CO, Shri. Arvind Pal Dahiya, CS SNEA BSNL CO, Shri. M. Sasidhar,  OS SNEA BSNL CO and Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ gave a warm welcome to Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, New CMD BSNL in his chamber on Tuesday, 16/07/2024. We congratulated him on taking over charge of CMD BSNL and conveyed him best wishes for his grand success in this new assignment.

GS SNEA gave introduction of delegation and CMD BSNL was keen to know about the roles played by these executives in Office as well as association activities.

While accepting our wishes and greeting, Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, New CMD BSNL  reciprocated very positively stating that we all together have to put our best efforts for overall growth of BSNL. He directed the delegation to give a message to the members and executives in BSNL that we all have to work together on mission mode to increase the market share of the BSNL. He added that Secretary DoT has set Target of 25% Market Share of BSNL by 2025 and appealed to all to contribute by all possible means. He added that customer faith in BSNL is increasing and we have to respond to it very positively.

We assured CMD BSNL total co-operation from SNEA, the only Recognised Majority Association with highest membership among all Unions/Associations in BSNL and requested him for kind intervention on some important issues and resolution of certain issues for minimum level of motivation of Executives. We added that BSNL executives are working on pay scales of 2007 and majority of Executives working in BSNL have not seen even their first PRC and also facing heavy monthly losses  due to non-grant of upgraded Standard Pay scales for JTOs who joined BSNL from 01/01/2007. Due to the non-settlement of these critical issues for years together, the serving workforce of BSNL feels demoralised and demotivated.

We brought to notice of CMD BSNL that even simple issue of  revision of TA DA Rates for AGM and below level officers is not given consideration since 2003 but same has been upgraded for DGM and above level officers in 2017 and there is long list of all such issues which needs his intervention for giving confidence to the workforce of BSNL.

Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, New CMD BSNL responded that  now we should focus on the mission of 25% Market share of BSNL by 2025 and be firmly assured that all such issues will be resolved one by one.

He also added that he will conduct a meeting with SNEA shortly and will discuss the issues in detail.

We have brought to the notice of new CMD BSNL, the hardship faced by the executives and non-executives who are facing a large number of customers visiting BSNL Offices for New SIM Cards. We added that the Sanchar Adhar App is not taking load and it takes hours together for activation of a SIM cards and this is the reason for customer annoyance at entry level.

CMD BSNL was unaware about the issues and immediately  took note of it and directed GM Co-ordination to look into this issue and see that the issue is resolved by today itself. He informed us to share all such updates and urgent issues to Director  CM or him and assured us to take care of all such issues as early as possible.

In conclusion, we requested CMD BSNL for giving confidence to the executives with resolution of certain issues of Executives and even extension of laptop policy to executives in field units and enhancement of TA DA Rates for office works will also give feeling to the executives that BSNL Management headed by New CMD BSNL is also have concern about the executives in BSNL and will start effective contribution to mission 25% Market Share by 2025. CMD BSNL responded that he will have separate meeting with SNEA to discuss all these issues and advised us to achieve target of 25% Market share and get ready for settlement of all demands of executives. We conveyed thanks for such firm assurances and assured for total support from all the executives in BSNL.         


AGM SEA BSNL CO writes to Circle Heads for opening of Online Transfer Portal window from 16/07/2024 to 31/07/2024 for submission of online request for Inter Circle Transfer.  Copy<<<>>

Now, for connivence of the executives and mainly to avoid receipt of OTP request for Circles  having surplus AOs, the Circles wise status of the AOs is published and Circles are declared as Deficit Circles, Surplus Circles and just Sufficient Circles.

Though SEA section has mentioned that executives need to submit three choices of Three circles and preferably for deficit Circles so as to give consideration to their requests for inter circle transfer, it may be noted that executives should have critically analyse and opt only to Circle/Circles, where he /she can join if her OTP Request is given consideration. Otherwise, there is no need of giving three options and it may be one or two or three Circle Choices as the case may and be ready for transfers at such places. 


AGM SEA BSNL CO issued orders for cancellation of two AOs from WB Circle to Chhattisgarh Circle as per their requests and  now Inter-Circle Transfer of other two longest stayed AOs from WB Circle is issued in place of cancelled transfer orders. Copy<<<>>


Efforts by SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL for better Group Health Insurance (GHI) policy: To protect interest of the Executives and Non-Executives working in the BSNL against the biased action of PGM Admin BSNL CO and his team of officers to favour M/S Oriental Insurance Company to approve GHI policy with higher rates and stringent conditions even after decision to not go ahead in official negotiation meeting, the leaders of the recognized Unions/Associations i.e. SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL, who were part of official negotiations,   have ascertained better option of GHI Policy for all Executives and Non-Executives in BSNL.

Accordingly, with efforts of leaders and activists of SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL we have explored the possibility of getting GHI policy in cheaper rates and without any stringent conditions and have come up with GHI Policy from M/S National Insurance Company, which is also PSU.   

The Silent Features of this GHI Policy:

·  Sum Assured: Rs Five Lakhs per family on a floater basis

·   Room Rent: Normal Room at 1% of SI, ICU at 2% of SI.

· Pre and Post Hospitalisation Expenses: Covered for 30/60 days respectively.

·      Ambulance Charges: Rs 1000/- per hospitalisation.

·      New Born Baby Day One Cover: Not covered.

·      Cataract: Limited to Rs 26,000/- per eye.

·      Maternity & Related Treatments: Not covered.

· Addition of Members: Permitted under specific conditions such as newly joined employees, new children, or newly married spouses. Mid-term addition of Parents/Parents-In-Law is not allowed.

·      Package Rates: Follow GIPSA PPN guidelines.

· Other Terms: Governed by the standard Group Medical Insurance Policy of Insurance company.


Comparison of NIC and OIC Group Health Insurance Policies:

· Premium Comparison: Firstly, it is notable that the premium rates for NIC GHI Policy are significantly lower compared to OIC GHI across all age bands and member categories. This presents a substantial financial benefit to our members while ensuring comprehensive health coverage. Copy<<<>>

· Minimum Membership to Start Policy: No such condition exists in NIC GHI P, whereas Oriental Policy has condition of Minimum 5000 Members.

· Family Structure Flexibility: One of the major advantages of NIC GHI is its flexibility in defining the family structure eligible for coverage. Unlike OIC GHI, which adheres to a rigid departmental fixed family structure, NIC GHI allows employees to choose their family members for coverage according to individual requirements. This includes provisions for single employees, those without spouses or children, and other unique family configurations that may not be accommodated under OIC GHI. Thus NIC GHI Policy will be available for single applicants also and for family of maximum six members i.e. Self, Spouse,  Two Children, Maximum two Parents/Parents-In-Law to be selected by applicants. While in OIC GHI policy there are compulsions for paying for group of family and it is not possible to opt for single person  or selective members of family.  

·  Restrictions on New Entries: NIC GHI also excels in terms of accessibility, with no restrictions for new entries. In contrast, OIC GHI imposes several restrictions and criteria for new Optees and mainly parents, which could limit access to health insurance for eligible employees and their families.

·    Calculation of age for premium: Premium calculations will consider only the age of applicant employee and the Premiums for dependents will be based on the employee's age, regardless of the dependents' ages. The younger ones will be benefitted with lower premium even after higher age of dependents.

Thus, it is crystal clear that NIC GHI Policy explored by all Recognized Associations/Unions i.e. SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL offers a superior alternative to OIC GHI Policy with its lower premiums, flexible family structure options, fewer restrictions on new entries, and comprehensive coverage benefits and so on.

We appeal all Executives and Non-Executives to go through this comparison of NIC and OIC GHI Policies and have critical analysis of the policies and family requirement and take decision  on opting better  GHI Policy and not get exploited on name of getting benefits of GHI Policy.

· How to apply for NIC GHI Policy: The willing Executives/Non Executives may please visit the Website <<<>> for detailed information on premiums, which are quoted per person and include GST charges.

§ To login the portal <<<>> please use HRMS (not PERNER) as User ID and DoB (DDMMYYYY) as Password.

§ The last date for submissions applications is 01/08/2024, and the policy will commence from the same week i.e. first week of August 2024.

§  For further assistance, kindly contact the support team via WhatsApp. The details of support team is available in website under Contact us tab.  


AGM Pers BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Opening of window for Online Transfer Portal (OTP) w.e.f. 16/07/2024. Copy<<<>>

The window for online submission of transfer application for Inter Circle Transfer for 2nd six months of the year is going to be opened w.e.f. 16/07/2024 to 31/07/2024.

Though window was supposed to be open on 16/07/2024, it was not opened on this day as earlier certain OTP were undecided and SNEA CHQ also has certain issues related to consideration of OTP Requests and requested for publishing vacancy position before opening window and also for assigning the Circle wise waiting list for each registered application for consideration of OTP Request in transparent manner.  Copy<<<>>

Our request for declaring vacancy position before opening of window is given consideration. Though AGM Pers has not declared Circle wise working strength of SDEs/AGMs in Telecom wing but broadly the circles are categorized as Surplus, Deficit, Just Sufficient  categories for the purpose of inter- circle transfer giving idea about vacancies.  Copy<<<>>

But our request for assigning the waiting list to avoid repeated submission and consideration of OTP application, it not given consideration at this stage and it was reported that allotting Circle wise waiting list number,  there needs more technical upgradation in ESS and it will surely take time and hence it is not possible for incorporating Circle wise waiting list in this ongoing window but we are assured that same will be implemented in forthcoming window.  

As of now, Pers section has followed that the OTP request will be considered to deficit and just sufficient vacancies and OTP requests to Circles having excess strength  are not given consideration.

The executives are requested to submit their choices of circles for inter circle transfers through OTP window after critical analysis of vacancies and his/her family requirement and be ready for transfer to any of the Circle Opted regardless of preference submitted.

It will be better if options are submitted limiting to the  Circles where he/she can join place of posting, if transfer order is issued.

The process of window will be completed and transfer orders will be issued by Sept-Oct 2024 and accordingly one has to apply if he/she is ready to join at transferred place.

The executives whose earlier OTP requests are rejected, and till willing for transfer to choice Circle, he/she may apply fresh in this window and while considering their request due weightage will be given while consideration of OTP Requests applied fresh.

The executives who are willing to get transfer through ESS portal are requested to take due care and submit the OTP requests after critical analysis and be ready for joining choice circle as per his /her family requirement and avoid complications once Transfer order is issued.  


AGM DPC BSNL CO issued orders for Promotion of three JTOs from Arch wing as SDE Arch against 33% LICE quota. Copy<<<>>

SNEA CHQ congratulates these officers of their SDE Promotion and conveys best wishes for grand success in promotional assignment.


ALTTC Ghaziabad communicated to all Circles the Marks obtained by Kanishta Rajbhasha Adhikari (KRA) for the VY 2023 in pre-appointment training which commenced on 29/06/2024.  Copy<<<>>

Though the Training was completed on 29/06/2024 and KRAs were relived to their parent Circles, the marks were not communicated to them for want of approval of BSNL CO.

Though, these KRAs joined parent Circles their posting order was not issued by Circles for want of Marks.

Due to over delay in publishing the marks, SNEA CHQ has taken up this issue with CGM ALTTC, PGM  Trg/Rectt BSNL CO and now this result is declared and with these posting orders for all KRAs will be issued by concerned Circles.


AGM DPC BSNL CO issued OM for Constitution of CPCs for the promotions from JTO to SDE grade in respect of all streams i.e. Telecom Operation, Finance, Civil, Electrical, Architect, Telecom Factories and other equivalent streams. Copy<<<>>


Sr. GM Tech BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Motivational Training to BSNL employees by Circle Master Trainers. Copy<<<>>


DGM Admin BSNL CO extended the last date for submission option for Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees from 17/07/2024 to 19/07/2024 due to poor response in first phase.  Copy<<<>>


DGM BW BSNL CO issued extension in present place of posting on Promotion of Executive of Electrical Stream to the grade of SE (Elect) on regular basis up to 28.09.2024. Copy<<<>>


DGM Restg BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding opening of Supplementary window for Q2 (Juiy-2024 to Sept-2024) KPI for Financial year 2024-25 from 16/07/2024 to 22.07.2024. Copy<<<>>


DGM EW BSNL CO writes to all Chief Engineers declaring the Circle wise Sanctioned/Working strength in EW unit with corporation of SDE Strength as per recent transfer orders.  Copy<<<>>


AGM Rectt BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding extension of last date of online Registration for different LICEs for posts of JEs, TTs, JTO (T), PA/PS in field units and  JTO(TF) up to 26/07/2024. Copy<<<>>